Tom Brady on Divisional Round Loss, Reflects on Season | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Very fortunate to be able to watch Tom Brady at his greatness in yr 22 and hopefully this isn’t the last time we see Tom Brady in a Buc/NFL jersey

    Abi A

    @Vinny D Go and be a crying baby now that you and lady🤣 12 didint get favors from refs, 🤣😂🤣😂

    Abi A

    @Spurs TiliDie what a about a “perfect season”…..???, I can remember Giants won that SB (and then another one), how about a llittle bit of running…..catch and easy pass…..movility…..or for once winning without any help?…..because it is proved that with pressure and being treated fairly, this man is just a regular QB.

    mary atkinson

    @Cali619 your team is the Chargers. Keep on hating Tom. It defines you!

    mary atkinson

    @Cali619 you posts and the fact you troll him proves you hate him. You dont think people dont see this.

stéphane A

Team never gave up. Great season despite all the problems they had.

    Earl Putnal

    @stéphane A Nothing. Just saying congrats on the other team winning. Good luck against San Francisco 49ers.

    mary atkinson

    @Cali619 yea your Chargers had problems. They didn’t even make the playoffs😂


    @mary atkinson I’m a rams fan tf are you talking about?

    mary atkinson

    @Cali619 you have claimed Chargers until the Rams beat Bucs. You on the bandwagon SMFH


    @mary atkinson yup. Go cry a bout it 😂

Ryan Dean

Nothing to be ashamed about. Amazing season. Rams just played better today and the Bucs never gave up.

    The Dark Knight

    I disagree about Rams playing better. Did they catch breaks on penalties, a missed pick early in the game in the end zone that let Rams get a FG, the two opportunities to take a FG attempt by TB but got turnover on downs. I think Bucs played better but they had several bad coaching mistakes

    No Thanks Bro

    the rams played a trash second half.

    buck nasty

    Blew it leaving kupp 1 on 1 with 30 sec

No Thanks Bro

Greatest quarterback to have ever play the game of football and the greatest NFL player of all time. He’ll be back.

    V T

    Lawrence Taylor is the greatest NFL player of all time, then Jerry Rice, then Brady.


    @V T I say deion is the best. Brady can only throw a ball and nothing else he even said this himself




    😂😂😂 that boy outa here!

    V T

    @Cali619 yep, I got him in my top 6 along with Ray Lewis and Ed Reed


I just hope this isn’t the last time we see the goat. He has one more year on his contract I hope he comes back.

    Victoria Aken

    Totally agree with you

    Soarin Skies

    If he believes he can win. He will comeback, he will only not comeback when he no longer believes he can win. He’ll be back


    Whos gonna tell him

    John Doe

    I’m so sorry man..

    Davis Luong

    Wrong answers people

Stephen Breen

It was a great season Bucs. Let’s get ready for next year.

    Jordan Fisher

    @Jordan Leigh he a great dc he just a lil too blitz happy

    Zeince XxX

    @RISH PAUL *they


    @Gregg H. Raiders fans say it without coming off SB win the previous year. This game ended up being a close one and could have gone either way. Officiating was fair to poor during this game, not saying it forced the outcome but I’ve seen better. Seeing the other teams that went forward doesn’t help considering the Bucks would have likely beat all of them. Tough loss.

    Michael Dunne

    @Luke Beall Brady is the goat

    Greg Wilber

    Its only a great season when you win the last game so it was just a season. Ask any player.

Nate Vance AdVanced Lawn & Garden LLC

Amazing season. Many set backs and it came down to a first down.

    James Blevins

    Great team lots of power. They just ran out of time…

    Greg Wilber

    They lost the last game. It was not amazing at all.

Tony pavick

This man is a LEGEND you will NEVER SEE anyone like him again. GOAT🙌


    AMEN or LIKEWISE! Just like Kobe winning (all) those titles with the Lakers, I CAN’T TELL YOU HOW PROUD I AM that he’s part of MY generation (I’m 51, by the way).

    Cloud Nine

    I was the 420th like, and so I pack a bowl. This is the way

    Rick Pidcock

    @James Ritchie I’m not a NE fan but three words come to my mind when I think about your comment.

    Wa Wa Wa.

    Carmina Martinez

    Unless they cheat like him lol

Arturo Almazan

From Patriots to Tampa Bay Buccaneers he gave his all to the game of football. if he’s really done and retiring it will be hard to watch the NFL without Brady. it’s like when MJ stepped away in 98 it was surreal. I couldn’t watch the NBA the same way I used to.

    Gary W-l-o-t

    @Ellen W He said to his wife he wanted to play until he’s 50

    Brian J. Carnevale

    Not hard at all. It is a young man’s game. kinda like life itself. Time to go down the road and be there for your family.


    99% of fans would love to see him gone


    Well I’ve been proven wrong. The greatest of all time, Michael Jordan of football just retired. 💔

    Arturo Almazan

    @Troyzswagger yup I knew it. the GOAT has retired

Enzo Di Vaio

What a privilege to see this man play. Definition of a leader. Thank you, Tom.

    Nary smith

    It is. Its will not be the same after this man retire. 🙁

    Nyx Morte

    Definition of a leader that throws temper tantrums lol

    Nyx Morte

    @Nary smith thank god

    Nary smith

    @Nyx Morte Its call human reaction that’s we’re all have.


I’ve been a Patriots fan for 30 years and will always be a Tom Brady fan. I can’t picture him deciding that this frustrating loss was the last game of his career. If they won the Super Bowl I can see him saying “enough” and retiring

    buck nasty

    @Alex Delgadillo trash call.

    James Bond

    @K D he should have retired last year.

    Patrick Hausenfleck

    @James Bond Actually this comment sounds more like …Please move over and give someone else a chance.☺️😏

    Junior Sillah

    @James Bond Why retire when you can still compete at a high level.

    Last year the Bucs were had all their guys back to make the playoff run, too many injuries this year to overcome.

    Greg Wilber

    Dont get seriously hurt Tom. Knowing that could happen its time to quit. 7 time SB Champion.

CrookedMan 4YT

As a MAJOR Bucs fan, I’m sad about the loss but very happy that the Bucs made a huge comeback last minute. We put up a good fight

    Me Me

    Cool story bandwagon

    Ella Zotomayor

    Yes!! 💯!! Absolutely!! I am a Major Tom Brady’s fan and among major Tom Brady’s fans ever since he was with the New England Patriots. Tom Brady is not a cheater. He knows his 👋 caliber. He doesn’t need to cheat in order to win unlike other players who cheat just to win. Tom Brady forever!!


    if wirfs was healthy, I think the entire game would’ve played out incredibly differently


    @Jai Leo if Todd Bulls didn’t run A all outblitz good chance you win

    Jai Leo

    @SCJ absolutely right and even worse the miscommunication when all out blitz was called but half the defense didn’t blitz because they didn’t hear it or didn’t know!


Class act. That he’s even doing what he’s doing at his age is nothing short of epic. Huge respect.


    What he’s doing at this age IS epic. Huge respect, shout out to Dr. Robert O. Young!


    If you don’t know, YOU SHOULD! CHECK OUT DR. ROBERT O. YOUNG’s philosophy.


    No class could not congradulate foles after losing to eagles

james anthony

At this point Brady is simply playing for the love of the game… no other reason, he is beyond the greatest of all time, its not even comparable, let him play until he chooses he has had enough.

    Chris Grady

    @Jwhowsez Jwhowsez that’s the point there is no goat…stats don’t always determine who’s a better player…all I’m saying is if Montana and Elway and a few others played in the two hand touch Era they would be just as good


    Y’all can claim he’s not a goat all y’all want but he has the stats to prove it


    I’d say he is also playing because we wants hoard all the championships possible. I mean who wouldn’t.

    James Joseph

    Exactly he takes time off gets bored and wants to play for fun win or lose he will be back he’s not retiring he will be bored eventually

    Tyrone Biggums

    @Dani Saunders how many Super Bowls has he ruined for you? 🤣

Rick Lewis

Christ, the guy was 3 points from making the second biggest comeback of Football history. Amazing considering he’s already played the Biggest Comeback in NFL history. Man, what a football game.

    I-T iyah man

    He didn’t loose the game it was the defense game would had gone in overtime

    tha meeksta (ninjahman)

    @STEEZ STEEZ it makes sense when the super bowl is in la

    Tyrone Biggums

    @STEEZ STEEZ so you’re saying Vegas didn’t pay the Super Bowl comeback as well? 🤡

    Timothy Hodge

    @I-T iyah man 86

Patrik Royale'1

Brady, as reigning champs, ya’ll showed heart and tenacity…being down and fighting your way back to give yourself a chance was epic. Nothing to hang your head down about, it’s been a rough year, but even in all that y’all ended up winning your div and the 2 seed..I hope you will return but family is the most important. Whatever you do, you’re a winner…continue to win in life as well…..


    Well said

    Patrick Hausenfleck

    “Always High Drama at it’s Finest”…. Let’s all keep in mind …They actually Script & make movies about Events and Circumstances of this nature(& the man and his past cohorts have done these things often enough to create more than just a Trilogy) .💯👍

    Brian J. Carnevale

    Brady was sloppy, period. interceptions, overthrows, underthrows. he lost the game for them long before he became dialed in to start his comeback. Big penalty too that took away points as well. Didn’t hear him own up to that either.

    time to retire!


What a game!! As a Brady fan, it was so hard to watch. I almost turned it off but am so glad I didn’t. Bucs did a great job coming back. Kudos to the Rams but I think the Bucs played a heck of a great game and hopefully saw how resilient they are. They were really short-handed but still came really close. So proud of what the Bucs achieved. Thank you!! 👍

    Dix Enormous

    Best type of football fan

Mary Ranieri

Hopefully Tom will be back next year! He’s a thrill to watch! There will never be another Quarterback like Tom Brady The G.O.A.T!

    Abe Abe

    Mahomes already taking his place and further

H.C. Collier

Selfishly I hope he doesn’t retire. I’ve been watching the NFL for 58 years and I’ve never seen anyone that even comes close to Brady in so many categories. He is the GOAT.


    @BE4ST mahomes can do things brady can only dream of.


    @CONNIE HAWKINS same could be said the other way around. Mahomes plays like a chicken with his head cutoff. Tom actually reads defenses


    @BE4ST mr tuck rule play has never won anything clean. he gets a lot of calls, just like against green bay last year, kansas city before that, the jaguers before that, etc., etc.


    @CONNIE HAWKINS It makes sense that the only tom brady haters left are the ones who think the “jaguers” are a real team 😂

    Carmina Martinez

    Who else cheated like him?

Dominik Musiol

This guy is such a competitor. You can tell he’s seething underneath all his composure.

    bronwing 1

    You guy. It’s bag

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