Jamel Dean on 30-28 Loss to the Los Angeles Rams | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

U other a typo in The title

Michael Davis

The score was definitely 30-28😂


Smiling after a loss like that he doesn’t want to win, he doesn’t care

    The Sinatra

    Laugh or cry your choice in life


    This is the sole reason the Bucs draw a lot of DPI’s he needs to get cut

    Raymond Nolan Scott

    I noticed that too.
    TB12 looks glum after a loss……..especially after a playoff loss


    Nah man u bugging, do you even follow the Team? This guy is one of the most genuine and sensitive man on the team, you play football at all, you know loosing is part of the game, especially for Corners, you forget you had a bad play, and always be confident. All my respect to Corners, who can guard the best athletes in the World! Dont make a scene, it’s Just Dean!

    The SKEAM Show

    @20sshilk say it again for the ones in the back. From one DB 2 another cheers 🍻

Opi Okapi

It’s okay Jamel. Next season starts now. The Superbowl will be yours soon. Keep grinding. At the end of the day, everything will always be okay. 💗🧸

Iwona Dziegielewska

Thank You 🙏 for the great season.


Dude runs a 4.30 but can’t cover a guy in a phone booth.


    Fr I never understood the hype yea he fast yea sometimes he can make a play but he not consistently good and he get injured alot I think we trade him or cut him so we can get some corners who can make plays consistently on Sunday


Jamel needs to work on developing a mean streak this off season. Has every tool to be the best corner in the league, get MEAN

ZinSin Detta

The secondary should be dressed as clowns for the end game presser

    Connor Lowis

    cooper kupp makes everybody look like that tho; that being said secondary is definetly one of the weaker parts of the team

    Raymond Nolan Scott

    @Connor Lowis
    What is it that makes him so great?
    He had 145 receptions, 1,947 yards, and 16 touchdowns in the regular season.
    I don’t understand why Bucs left him in single coverage.
    He should been double covered all the time.

Korey Jackson


Mahes Kumaar Ra

When he missed the pick on Ram’s first drive, I knew we are in for a long day, So similar to the first Rams game. Sad we lost.

    Eric PS Chen

    need to capitalize


Dean…SMB…Davis are all decent CBs when the Bucs can pressure the QB. If not, these guys are terrible.


    Not all true . Smb is actually a fairly good slot corner he’s just not the best but he’s okay , dean is actually rly good and getting better just wait , and David has peaked he’s good but can’t lock down the best .


How can nobody cover Cooper Kupp ?


Great Game Dean! You played great.. We’ll get’em next year bro! It was a great year. Thank you.

Game Seker

bucs secondary has been the biggest weakness of this team,, and the lack of depth in the OLINE,,, they pressure brady 17times,,,


30-27, right?

Not to throw salt in a wound, just for sake of accurateness… 😩


Smiling truly disgusting tbh

David Smith

Secondary needs some vet help. Performances are too inconsistent. Sherman was just a little too late in his career. Come back strong Jamel

Malcolm Couturier

This was a pretty good season, but the problem with the secondary needs to be adressed.


This secondary is being dragged for being trash, I still think they’re overrated.

Alejandro umaslay

take care guys, will see you next season, go bucs.

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