Lavonte David: ‘I Would Battle With These Guys Any Day’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jwalk Hooligan

That last defensive call was a abomination


    @EJ444 I keep forgetting that y’all are ex play callers in the nfl

    Van Jones

    Yes Boles off mb that play shouldn’t be considered for a head coaching job next year

    Dj B

    @Cali619 doesn’t take an NFL dc or anything to know that in that situation against the best offense against the blitz, you drop in coverage

Michael Leonard

The fact that it came down to that last play was a true testament of the quality and grit of everyone on the team…I am a BUCS fan and had the game on a blowout when they announced #78 was OUT, Gronk had to block for Wells sooooooo many times, reducing the offensive playbook even further …and they STILL came back and almost got it done…What a game !!! Lost HUGE as a BUCS fan, won some coin on betting so a small consolation…Don’t think everyone will make it back but it was fun while it lasted… <<<<<<<<>>>>>>> SB LVII

Opi Okapi

It’s okay Lavonte. Next season starts now. The Superbowl will be yours again soon. Keep grinding. At the end of the day, everything will always be okay. 💗🧸 Happy Birthday 🎈💐 I know today sucks, but I just want you to have a good birthday and a good year. 🤙🏽🤎🌌


The last 42 seconds of the game was even a bigger embarrassment for the defense when they gave up that 11 minute play drive against Washington football team’s offense

Ramirez Comm

Awesome team effort!!! Next year coming back even stronger!!!

    Connor Lowis

    ehh… not gunna happen. They had 1 year with all their best guys left, and half of them left or were hurt so that its for the bucs

    David S. Fitzsimmons

    @Connor LowisYou just keep thinking that . If Brady there they will be here again

Nate Corning

man…. why wouldnt you just play prevent defense and run the clock out. Why is Bowles blitzing and leaving Kupp in single coverage. I just dont get the thought process at all

    Van Jones

    Totally agree horrible call just horrible

    Jwalk Hooligan

    Not even prevent man cover 3 gets it to overtime most likely

Amelia Mendoza

What a player Lavente David you are awesome, great game, don’t give up, let’s go for next year .. you are awesome 👍👍👍…Go buccaneers, love you guys🏴‍☠️🏈

Iwona Dziegielewska

Amazing team! Thank you for everything.

Van Jones

Boles cost the Bucs the game, calling a blitz late for no reason smh… he took all the Bucs momentum

JJ Faris

Tough loss, great comeback to tie. It has been a good year 13-4.
Thank you. Enjoy the off season. Stay healthy. Hope to see you next season.

Jesus Ramos

Great game David you guys never gave up

Jesus Ramos

We’re proud of all you guys never gave up !! Let’s come back next year !!


David was a big reason they got beat on that last drive. David didn’t come in on the blitz as he should have and he didn’t drop back to help cover Kupp. He just stood there in midfield doing nothing.


Love this team. Love their heart, but there were bad plays all game by the defense and special teams. Offense had obvious struggles due to injuries, but the breakdowns in coverage were killers. Kupp getting wide open happened all day. Plus, why not play a Cover 3 or even prevent defense with that long left in the game? The offense had obvious issues, but for the team to come all the way back just for the defense to let the same boneheaded mistakes happen twice in a drive really shows the team didn’t deserve a spot in the conference championship. It’s just not good playoff football or smart football in general and yet it happened all year. Feel for the team, especially Brady who is running out of seasons, but you can’t make those mistakes constantly and expect not to get exposed. Rams messed up but still knew they were better than that defense and showed it with ease at the end.

David Smith

Great comeback but first 2/3 quarters were terrible. Injuries caught up against a good team. We’ll need you next year LD

G Fys

Thank you for the outstanding efforts this year!!! Great season and hopefully we come back healthy next year. Love you guys and love my Buccaneers 💪🏿


From the beginning of the season, I told you Todd B. should be fired. His defensive calls were questionable all along.


Greatest respect for Lavonte David!
He is the glue on the defence!


Well spoken Lavonte. Thanks for the great season!


Well done to the team. Feel like they really had to fight to earn a lot of the wins, and battled through injuries and mistakes to almost pull out a comeback for the ages in the divisional

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