Recap Saints vs. Vikings Wild Card Playoffs | Saints Postgame Show | 2019 NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Recap Saints vs. Vikings Wild Card Playoffs | Saints Postgame Show | 2019 NFL

Recap the New Orleans Saints vs. Minnesota Vikings 2019 Wild Card playoff game on the Saints Postgame Show. Get postgame interviews from Saints Head Coach Sean Payton and quarterback Drew Brees, as well as highlights from the game, postgame news, stats, and analysis.

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Ryan Flanagan

Go New Orleans Saints

Ryan Flanagan

I am big New Orleans Saints fan

Ryan Flanagan

Go Saints

P Matherne

Who Dat for life!

    Adam Taylor

    Absolutely and the afterlife….

    Luke Enno

    Dat going home before the Super Bowl for third year in a row. Dat who.

Jake Ruano

The saints are going to fall apart next season with the contracts,that are ending for some of the good players


    Jake Ruano thats the main reason im so angry this was our best chance

    RC Headhuncho

    pj No Last Year Was The Only Perfect Chance We Had #1 Seed & The Ball With Two Minutes Left. This Year Was Lackluster To Me

Mark Bell

3 heart breaking playoff loses in 3 years. I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking

    Aaron Morris

    This one wasn’t heartbreaking for me. I’ve been a Saints fan for 40 years and have gone through far tougher losses. Truth is that the better team on the field won, and the Saints almost “pulled an upset” because the Vikings clearly the more talented team. The Saints toughness made a game.

    Tyron Wells

    Aaron Morris ur right but man Brees fumble

Robert Schilling

Still isn’t enough to make up for the 2009 NFC Championship game. You stinking cheaters.


    Robert Schilling You do realize that Brett Farve admitted that the the Vikings and other nfl teams at the time were also doing something similar to bounty-gate right?

    Robert Schilling

    @MorassMudkip Do you realize that making this claim doesn’t change the fact at what happened?

    Kras 4

    You are still butt hurt from 2009??? Damn dude, better get a life. Have that same energy after the Niners game.

    Frank Washington

    I’m glad we ended Farve’s career.. This still isn’t as embarrassing as when you all got blown out by the Eagles and let them win a superbowl in your owm stadium 2 years ago the same year Prince died..


    Robert Schilling Do you realize that me making that claim gives you no right to complain about ‘09 and exposes you as a hypocrite if you do?

Gabi Vazquez

Who Dat Skol Dat Gonn Stomp On Dem Saints!

    Marshall Mathers

    Doesn’t even matter lmao y’all gonna get stomped by SF

Alonzo Harris

You guys didn’t want to win.

    Ben Mangrum

    Alonzo Harris What a stupid comment


Pwned!!!! SKOL!!! KARMA!

    Gone fishing



    They got too cocky


Saints have to reevaluate and determine if they want to soothe ego or support talent. We all know there is no “i” in team, but the Saints were an “i” team today–and we lost because of it.


The Antonio Brown curse. Should have signed him

    Ken Grady



    @Ken Grady
    Enjoy from the couch….now. 😂

    Ken Grady

    @MrPlex Yes sir.

Br Ha

Same ol’ 1967 ‘Aints I’ve been watching for over half a century. There is absolutely no excuse for losing this game. Howard Cosell said the ‘Aints would NEVER be a professional football team and he was right. ‘Aints mgmt. and coaching staff have wasted 10 years of Drews career. Sean Payton just refuses to acknowledge that DEFENSE wins Championships. What a waste of talent and disappointment for the fans. The ‘Aints will NEVER change, don’t expect anything better “next week” or “just wait ’til next year”.


    I know the Defense just can’t make stops when it matters the most.

    Gucci Narwhal

    Br Ha we got all of next season


Wow vikes. DID it again to Saints. YOU LIKE THAT.

RC Headhuncho

Mark Ingram Got The Last Laugh. Smh And We Ain’t Run The Ball Why Even Sign Murray?

alex estrada

Lol who dat team that sucks lol saints 😂😂

    Its Yaboi Caleb

    I mean we put up 20 points we did our best

    Marshall Mathers

    Lmao good luck against SF

    alex estrada

    Easy win in San Fran

    Its Yaboi Caleb

    @alex estrada I geuess so bec my sanits out

the jonyboys

I am really sorry for wasting the time of y’all taking training or will I don’t really know if y’all training but okay what do I say what do I say I don’t really know what to say the Saints are really good team I might have a few favorite players but I just don’t know really what to say I want to talk about Michael Thomas here he inspires me to do what I do everyday out there on the football field at my school have recess practice I’m like 10 so it’s kind of hard being one of the youngest kids on the team I mean I’m the leader of the team kicker and wide receiver of it because we don’t have that many players butter I mean he inspires me he’s always doing good stuff and asking me is wide receiver that’s what I like to do the good stuff and when people try he’s always doing good stuff and asking me is wide receiver that’s what I like to do the good stuff and when people try like fight he’s always doing good stuff and asking me is wide receiver that’s what I like to do the good stuff and when people try like fight he’s always doing good stuff and asking me is wide receiver that’s what I like to do the good stuff and when people try like fight me you know I always try to back off of it because I want to fight anybody I mean I want no rivalries or anything but Michael Thomas really inspires me and I just wanted to say a few things now let’s get on some Alvin topic I mean he’s not really a done any good place but he’s still a good player to begin with like he’s a running back so it’s a really hard job so and today versus the Vikings it was kind of a hard game cuz it went to overtime I mean even though we got be the best we can be people can’t really do that all the time I mean it’s kind of hard to say on Drew Brees I mean he’s very hard-working I can’t really say anything because he he plays good and all just he was out for like half of the season because of a thumb so but yeah overall Drew Brees he’s pretty good I mean that’s already had to say I just wanted to express give people confidence and yeah I guess I have to go now bye




The saints always lose the games when it really count. Glad I didnt waste my money on tickets


Drew Brees lost this game, period. Come back next year with Teddy. Please retire Drew.

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