New York Jets vs Baltimore Ravens Week 15 NFL Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Cotton Candy

Go ravens

Elijah Richardson

ravens will win by 20 plus end of video #goravens

    shawn bopko

    That’s if we play good defense against Lamar Jackson


Might as well start digging the graves ahead of time for the Jets.

Jonathan Frimerman

Ravens all the way 30-10

    Blade Brown - Put The Bitch On The Phone.

    That means a lot coming from a Steelers fan✊

Demon Love

Glad the ravens aren’t taking them too lightly, everyone expecting a blowout but that might not happen..jets have won 4/5 recent games, ravens still get the W though.


    Yeah but we have only beaten trash teams, half our team is hurt and our coach is a buffoon that cant adjust play calling to save his life. Ravens should have a fun time embarrassing us on prime time.


    @JK THUGZ Yikes going against your own team. It’s pretty much true though, glad you’re on the realistic side instead of the biased side. Also, you almost shut out the Raiders, who are decent so kudos for that one.

Joe Burrow Highlights

Poor Jets, I feel bad for their fans. Why did they fire their head coach from last year? It’s not like he had a lot to work with, he went 10-6 with Fitzpatrick at quarterback.


    because it’s always easy to fire the coach to make him the scapegoat


Ravens wins with a little complication. 30-20

    Donte Winrow

    I honestly don’t think they’ll reach 20


    AlanSaint15 no way in hell the jets score 20


    Yeah, I’d say 14 at max


Ravens 400 – New York Jets 3

Doc Brown

Jets 19 Ravens 31

Hunter Davis

Ravens 45 jets 10


    Jets are going to allow 45 points. Ok bud we have ether number 2 run defense. I’m expecting raven 27- jets 13

    Haha Ur mom

    @Gardenhoes patriots allowed 37 points i wouldn’t be too sure


    @Gardenhoes Ravens know that, they might have to attack Jets through the air instead of the ground. Lamar’s a decent passer.


You can’t sleep on anyone on the NFL but the Ravens know how important it is to wrap up the 1 seed before Week 17. They should win this one comfortably to keep the Pats and Chiefs at bay.

ThatOneGuy 123

Ravens 40-10

My name is Connor

Lol this game is gonna over by halftime. Ravens 37-10


I have the ravens D in fantasy, hoping for a lockdown

    Glenn Garofano

    It be a beat down!

Lieutenant Nomad

RIP Jets

Sergio Fraticelli

This game is gonna be one of those where it just seems like the ravens are practicing the whole time, gotta give a little credit to the jets but this game will probably be a massacre


But jets have a 14 point lead agenst the spread🤔




    Lol yeah ok

    ian deleon

    R u ok 😂😂 ravens are not losing

Kai Sommers

If Quintin Williams and Jamal Adams don’t play, hopefully we can get going with the run game


I want the jets to win but i already know ravens gonna take this one

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