Mitchell Trubisky: We didn’t play our game today – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Mitchell Trubisky: We didn’t play our game today

Quarterback Mitchell Trubisky addresses the media following the Bears' 26-3 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs.

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Yes you did.


    you’re so right unfortunately

Mike Shirvis




Brodie O’Mally 5

Welp.. hope you had a good practice at least. Wonder if you guys even practiced.


It is the 2nd to the last game of the season and we are still hearing “we gotta find a way to finish”. If you havent figured out how to finish by now, stop running from the truth, you guys just SUCK.


He’s a great QB. I blame the refs.

    Nappi A. ssassin

    Yes Patrick Mahomes is a Great QB. Just wishing Mitch is just an Average QB. Subpar and Bust comes to mind right now

    Chi- Nation

    Lmao he had a QBR of 5, and it’s not the first time

Jason Clark


    Rob Base

    Bring in Ron Rivera. He even said he wanted up coach here.

    Adam S

    Chuck is absolute garbage

KOBK Neptune

You disappointed us Mitch I wanna see you throw bombs like mahomes but your just trash bro Why can’t you do cool things bro 😢

    Rob Base

    4th and 22, and he throws a 5 yard pass. It’s the perfect example of how bad he is.


    I don’t think the coach thinks trabusty can throw over 5 yards and complete a pass that’s the whole problem so the coach doesn’t call that play


Appreciate you Money Mitch, in a season full of disappointment wouldn’t unfairly target you bro. You’ve stepped up in the Clutch and Look forward to this team getting better next season. 🐻⬇


    CollinsK85 team won’t get better unless he’s coming off as backup QB

    Ryan ???

    Stepped up in the clutch when?

Kingpookienation Alvarez

Where again this Trubisky support Crickets ! Pace ruin this team the Opposing quarterback mock
Us !


    Kingpookienation Alvarez I’m still supporting him until I see a reason not too

    Nick Furious

    TheRealRhino 😂😂😂 then you are truly blind

Alexis Brandon Isbell

The man is getting worse and worse each year! Get some real competition in camp and make him earn his job or cut him!!!

    Tevin Jordan

    Maybe if you watch the tape never lies, you could actually see his improvement while trying to play through the chaos of the offensive line and his receivers dropping passes.

    Ryan ???

    @Tevin Jordan my TV never lies he sucks.

    Tevin Jordan

    You really can’t know football unless you watch the tape, the tape never lies

Rob Base

Mitch played like garbage. Nagy coached like garbage. Stop making excuses for them. The Bears will never be a contender with these 2 at the helm.

Fire Nagy, hire Rivera. Bench Mitch, look for a new QB this off season.

And hell, fire Adam Pace while you’re at it.

    Kevin Muldrow

    Rob Base give Mitch sometime the line is collapsing to fast and Nagy is doing good we’re just missing a couple key pieces

    Rob Base

    @Clare Logue I have no beef. And I groom myself well. I simply point out stupidity when I see it.

    Rob Base

    @Kevin Muldrow He had plenty of time, overthrew an easy TD. Then he threw a 7 yard pass on a 4th and 23.

    No, mitch is garbage, and this year has proven that hes a 2nd pick bust. If he were a 2nd or 3rd round pick, I’d be a little more lenient on him but we traded up for him, and a 10th pick outplayed him in every way.


    No qb can function with the worst o-line in the nfl. Not even your “all mighty god” Patrick mahomes.

    Aaron Day

    It’s the owners fault. Should of picked mahomes the 2nd pick


So, where are those people that loves and defends Mitch at? Funny how you guys show up when he beats trash teams in the Cowgirls and Lions, but when he gets exposed against real teams, you guys are nowhere to be found. Fact is he will never be a #1 QB and is a career backup. Overthrows and underthrows everyone. Can’t find the open guys. Had Arob for a TD but nope. Mitch just sucks. Runs right into defensive players and makes the most stupidest of throws to defenders. Same old answers and he took forever just to even have this interview. From how he looks here, he looks like his feelings are hurt and wants to cry. He’s a bust. Period! And fire the guy that decided to draft him along with the other busts he has drafted.

    nicholas gerdak

    I’m right here defending him, let’s go

    What QB on the list I’ll give you have LESS weapons and talent on offense than Mitch.

    Goff ( Gurley, Woods, Kupp, Everett, Higbee, Cooks)
    Mahomes ( Hill, Kelce, Hardman, McCoy, Watkins)
    Wentz ( Ertz, Jeffery, Sanders, Goddert, solid oline)
    Prescott ( Cooper, Zeke, Cobb, Witten, Solid oline)
    Watson ( Hopkins, Fuller, Stills, Fells)
    Mayfield (OBJ, Landry, Hunt, Chubb)
    Jackson (12 MF pro bowlers. Brown, Andrews, Ingram)

    Mitch has ONE consistent WR in AROB, NO talent at TE and a terrible oline. Give this kid a break. He’s dealt with a coaching change, which comes with a new system, no other player has had to deal with that except Baker. And is technically in year 2 of that offense. Is Mitch as talented as Mahomes, no, is he as elusive as Watson, no, can he run like Lamar, no, but don’t act like those guys didn’t inherit a MUCH better system than this kid


    After the last DET win some people were claiming Anthony Miller was the Bears BEST WR. Now, he’s not good enough. Okay. Robinson, Miller and Gabriel are not scrubs. Trashbisky is just not worthy of a starting job in the NFL.

    nicholas gerdak

    swiftslick Yea it wasn’t me, Anthony Miller is a decent WR and I like the kid. He was the first guy to defend Mitch last year in the San Fran fight and has heart I can’t deny. But he has a long way to go before he becomes a weapon in this league.
    The other guy you referenced hasn’t been active since the Washington game, where Mitch had a great game.
    And if he’s not a worthy starter in this league, how come he posted 12-4 last year and the offense was NINTH in scoring💀 Mitch led them down the field against philly with his back against the wall and came up short due to a missed field goal. So was that his showing he can’t be a starter in this league, nah.

Chi- Nation

This man had a QBR of 5. Where the fans that thought he turned a corner when they played terrible defenses

Rockin' Billy

Quote; “They came to play, we didn’t”. Well Bitchell…you never come to play!

Rockin' Billy

Quit believing in the process. the ‘process’ is not working.

Ethereal Punishment



Not your fault trubisky that your coach call the same play multiple time and you have a terrible line and no TE and only one WR… get rid of wims

    Ryan ???

    How is it not his fault? He’s a below average QB. I don’t get all of you Trubisky lovers.


    Ryan ??? Do you watch the games?? When nagy lets him do his thing he plays good and he has the worst oline in the league how do you throw the ball when you get 1 sec… i dont get you? Nagy needs to go not trubisky

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