Hangin’ with the Boys: 14 Karat or Fool’s Gold | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hangin’ with the Boys: 14 Karat or Fool’s Gold | Dallas Cowboys 2019

Nate’s all-in on this team, but Jesse, Shannon, and Kurt need more proof that the win over the Rams was the real deal. Can they do it again in Philly? They’d better. The boys go round and round as the Eagles loom.

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Jammal Williams

Newton”‘S Law Trump’s all” Jesse to negative” Lets go Cowboys Nation ” Beat them Eagles” Nate knows what is All- bout .

Jammal Williams

Cowboys Offensive Line” got to Dominate” Juss like Nate did” in the glory days” we Do that” Eagles don’t stand A chance” Our Deffence will feed of that” let’s go Cowboys nation..

April Staton

Last man that asked did you watch the same game don’t work there anymore 🤔🙄

John Crabtree

The cowboys are stupid for not having a better backup qb

    Arnold Escobar

    John Crabtree you mean the GM,management and head coach

marsha mangaroo

Poor Nate, the only faithful soldier

Kevynn Joseph

they’re in rare form today with the jokes! Jesse saying’ Dak’s balls were outta practice… XD LMAO #DecktheHallswithBallsofHolley. smdh XDD

Louis Johnson

Jesse, he said, banged up,! Dak, will be fine.

Louis Johnson

Lyle Collins, should have made the pro bowl!

Louis Johnson

Jesse, you are not looking at the evidence called ‘Potential’, they have the ability to be what you saw Sunday, Sunday, was a picture of what the Cowboys will be, and this up and down season brought them to this point.

Warren Bowden

Nate back on that booger sugar again lol Shannon about to fire dude live

Warren Bowden

L. Collins was snubbed tho


Nate funny as hell 😂😂😂

David Zuniga

This is the best show the cowboys put out.The different point of views and the fun they have.

Jon Rodriguez

you are what your record says you are..7-7..bottom line.

Jon Rodriguez

wtf Nate??🤔🤔

Donny Knepper

Jesse acting like the Cowboys have gotten blown out on the 7 losses


Jessies ponytail must be to tight today im with you nate

mc seven

I’m rolling with Nate they got back to what works

BrandonShawN 817

I’m glad Nate has a different perspective. This isnt undisputed or first take. This is a Dallas Cowboys production, and regardless we have a chance to make it to the playoffs. I think that’s where Nate is coming from this is not over just yet

Steven Pringle

Zeke didn’t play in the 2 losses.

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