Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers Divisional Round Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ridy Spams L2

Finna be a good game

    Levon Washington

    Ridy Spams L2 you not good

    Mason Wright

    Ridy Spams L2 trump wins 2020

    morgan rick

    Typical trash fortnite kid using finna as a word

    EXotic Nova

    @morgan rick yep

    Killer Champion

    I doubt it cuz did u see how they played against a injured eagles team

Jed Mount

We’re the #2 seed. Not the #1 jackasses

    Adam Rangel

    So so so true lol

    Ghost Runner

    Don’t matter

Chris Harrison

Why do you have Packers at #1 when they’re #2?

Time stamp 0:04

    Jensen Anderson

    Killer Champion we were one inch away🥺🥺🥺

    Eduardo De Dios

    Killer Champion GB could also be the number 1 if the 49ers hadn’t destroyed them, just saying!

    Anthony Ciancio

    Good catch


    We already know the fudgepackers are a big #2.


A NiCe Cold Sunday Evening Game played outside. That’s what I’m talking About! 🥶


    SLiMDeeZuL you say that like Seattle isn’t cold lol

Andi S

I’m going to have a heart attack for sure !

    Mike Mike

    Hey Andy S
    Chew 2 aspirin and enjoy

Greenbay backer

SEA 24 GB 31

When these 2 get together, its always fun! Proud of my Packers getting this far, win or lose I’m proud of em I didnt expect them to be 8-8 at season start! Now that we here let’s flourish! 😈 #GOPACKGO

    Kevin Loera

    yes! yes! yes !

    spikeball pro8

    Let’s Matt Leflourish

Rufus Anderson

It will come down to who scores last. It will be close till the end. 🧀


27-17 Packers. Russ can’t carry a Super Bowl winner by himself.


    Really? Wilson has carried the team this far. He’s also been vastly better than overrated Rodgers this season. Seahawks should win the game.

Erin and Justin Bode

this will be the best game out of the Divisional Playoffs

Msg Artist

I really want Green Bay to win💯

George Ferrera

Ok Seattle let’s have a gg 🤝
Good luck to you guys

    MR.E 12

    This I like, may the best team win


    Seahawks fan ; good luck to the Packers . Hope we have a great battle . 💙💚💙💚

    Kaden Stanton

    George Ferrera good luck to you guys


    You too

    Iridium Tex

    It’s always a good battle against the Pack. Always memorable. Looking forward to it. Go Hawks! 💚💙💚💙💚😊

Maciej Nowakowski

When these teams meet in the playoffs, drama automatically ensues! From Al Harris’ pick 6 in 2003 to the Hawks’ miraculous comeback in 2014, Green Bay and Seattle create storylines all their own!
Which fan base will cheer this time? Those who wear cheese or those who smoke trees? Tune in on Sunday to find out! 😉

James Longmire

Packers 27 Hawks 20. Bold prediction: zadarious Smith gets 4 sacks.

Miguel Aguilar

Packers 24-21 over Seahawks


Whoever wins. I just want to have respect between the fanbases


    Infernocus yeah fr nfl fan base more toxic than 5x atom bombs going off at once

    Iridium Tex

    This rivalry between the Hawks and Packers has always been respectful from my observation. I’ve always had a lot of respect for Packer fans. Can’t say the same for Niners fans. They’re toxic. I can’t stand that “bang bang niner gang”. Sounds so trashy and hood. Can’t stand Niner fans. The worst.


    Iridium Tex yeah I also hate niners fans, they always use the term seacocks or sea chickens like they are in 5th grade.

    Huncho Jack

    Infernocus packer fans have nothing but respect for Wilson and the Seahawks

Pratik Hazari

It really depends on which GB defense shows up. They’ve been so up and down and inconsistent all year long.

Sean Maronen

GO PACK GO!!! Packers win 24 to 21. We’re all gonna have heart attacks in the 4th

Jimmy Her

Packers will win this one: 24 – 17


Seattle baby!💚💙
Good luck packers.


👽SK – HAWKS 28 / PACKS 9



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