Packers vs. Seahawks Preview | Packers Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers vs. Seahawks Preview | Packers Daily

Larry McCarren takes a look at the D-Train’s matchup with Russell Wilson and the Seahawks ahead of Sunday’s NFC Divisional game in this edition of Packers Daily.

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Chris Hinch

First. Here’s hoping Kenny Clark plays, too. Looking for 4 sacks on Wilson along with 2 INTs. Go Packers!


We going crazy super bowl hear we come

    Scout 805

    Slow ur role sports fan!
    Our motto is win this week!
    Try n keep up. Lol
    Go Pack!

    777d7777 777d7777

    @Scout 805 only thing that matters right now is to win 1 game and not think about anything else Go Pack Go!!!!

Tim T

Will the fans attack Clowney when he nails a Packer helmet?

777d7777 777d7777

Great job Larry as always
Hopefully we beat the Seahawks and make the NFC championship game
Go Pack Go !!!!

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