New York Jets vs Buffalo Bills Week 17 NFL Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Spongebob Squrepants


Abdul Rehman


Meow Kitty

Jets could jet really good in the future

    Escocivo 30

    If Darnold doesn’t get injured and if the coaching is better

Jeremy Thompson

Bills backups win 20-3

Parwon Kamei

Jets 27-21

Tenno Tube2

28-24 Bills

Joseph Cronan

Jets 21 Bills 31

Raul Delrio

Lets gooo Bills and 100% πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

Carl Jr Berry

Jets 14 and Bill’s 24

Unknown Memes

With starters bill 34-13 but no starters this week 24-10 Jets

Patriots 4life

Bills win 21-10

Bay Area sports fan

12-27 bills

Mike Miller

Who cares bring on the playoffs

Ryan Lin


Kids2Kids Reviews


Buffalobills 1990

I was at the Jets game week 1 on the road….we partyed in Hoboken the night before the game it self was actually pretty miserable until the 4th qutar…the ride home was great


I dont care if we ain’t making the playoffs, I just want us to finish strong after a rough season. 21-14 Jets let’s finish 7-9

Hillel Levinson

Jets win 17-10

Theo Keith Jones

Buffalo over Jets

George Dookram

Bills 16-14

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