Lamar Jackson Explains His Juke Moves to Derrick Henry | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
StrYke Rancherzz

I knew these guys had a close relationship

    King Wani

    StrYke Rancherzz Henry a future raven just wait

Jacob Vaughan


F 5 V E FiveRaindrop584

Love the fact that these two gettin along

Jude Campbell



Hey, we didn’t make the super bowl but this is such a fun experience for much of the team, this is quite a fun bunch.

TW Productions

He better have apologized on behalf they thought they was slick using big truss 🤦🏻‍♂️


Respect ✊

Nightmare Kilo

Derrick : so how do u do your jukes
Lamar: I don’t know u just do it
Me: but how??

King Wani

Ahhh Lamar recruiting Henry he’s a free agent btw


Future raven? 👀


Let’s sign him? 😛

Lion Thomas

LJ8…. that kid is Legit….
Already a Legend!!!!!

Ethan Q



Love his “ay!”’s

Rollo Lamont

Naw, explained that playoff joke job Proudly brought to you by the Baltimore Ravens.

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