Kendall Fuller Seals the Win w/ Late INT | Super Bowl LIV – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Down 24-0 to Houston.
Down 10-0 & 17-7 to Tennessee.
Down 20-10 here.

Mahomes is that dude!


Congrats KC, you did it!

Edit: you salty bandwagon Niners fans crying yet again over taking an L in the super bowl. Couldn’t handle defeat in 2012 vs Baltimore and here we are again, ya’ll crying again over the refs. I love it, sore losing punk mofos. Enjoy your L! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    MorePresto TV

    @Paweł Petek I agree that Mahomes played bad for the FIRST THREE quarters. Damien William’s and the defense kept the game close enough for Mahomes and The Legion of Zoom to do their thing. He mightve not done that well, but Mahomes came up clutch even though everything was falling on him. Give credit where credit is due. Hes the MVP and a SB 54 winner.


    @Christopher Brown All the superstars for both teams didnt play anywhere as good as they had during the playoffs. That said, it was still a much much better game than 2019…

Chop Shop Tv

Hats off to the chiefs. They grinded hard


The receiver got mossed LMAO


    @That guy Alan don’t nobody gaf

    That guy Alan

    DaraunTheMonk 🙏


    @That guy Alan no disrespect lol, but don’t do that. I’m sure everyone has seen it either live or on here

    That guy Alan

    DaraunTheMonk you would think but it did get over 80 views which is really good for someone at my size of channel

    RusseII Westbrick

    Well if you’re being closed on zone coverage and throw a bad pass that’s the result

Vegas Vix.

Well deserved Chiefs. Coming from a Patriots fan.

Nehemiah Howard

dolphins get honorary rings😂

    Jude Hindi


    Too Real Loyd


    Op C

    Dang what happened to your old profile pic Howard?

    Nehemiah Howard

    @Op C changed it for now, after a few weeks itll go back

    Op C

    @Nehemiah Howard ok, gotcha

Xxskullboy gamingxX

49ers:Let’s do good for first 3 quarter

Players:Aight bet

    That guy Alan

    Xxskullboy gamingxX I posted the highlights

    Xxskullboy gamingxX

    @That guy Alan I watched your highlights video

    That guy Alan

    Xxskullboy gamingxX 👍

Nicke 1

Jimmy G choked harder than Patriots their last 2 games 😂😂

    Mike B

    Nicke 1 Their cocky leftists just like their city. They’re too busy telling everyone before the game is over (just like the election) that the opposing team better accept the loss. Then they’re left looking like jackasses when they lose.


    @BeingAGaintsFanIsHard 26 The refs? The refs were the only reason the fraud niners made it to the Super Bowl.

mohamed kaba

Darrell revis out here roasting sherman 😂😂😂

Wario and Waluigi Show

This was a great start of the new decade by KC Chiefs winning the Super Bowl! I literally almost cried! 😢

    Mike Mancini


    BeingAGaintsFanIsHard 26

    It’s not a new decade but ok

    BeingAGaintsFanIsHard 26

    The refs also help you out to as they must have wanted to see a KC sb well it had not happen in like 50 years

    John Johnson

    @BeingAGaintsFanIsHard 26 yeah all losers say that


Damn he had that Shichard Rerman smile the Green Bay game when he got that interception.

Swish 955

Darelle Revis just took the Biggest W of his Career

    Kobe Bryant

    @Jay Jay how about when hill broke his ankles?

    P DR

    Bigger then his Superbowl?


    This is being blown out of proportion. Sherman is a good corner and got beat by a good route. He played a good game

    Michael. H


    He got beat the whole night.. what are you smoking?

    Gazton Knuckles

    Michael. H fax

Sim ?

*Ima die hard saints fan but I’m so glad Andy Reid FINALLY got his time to shine! It was long overdue!*

McKenny Family

Claim yo “ I was always a chiefs fan” right here


    ayy i was born in kansas city you know how it is


    I was always a 49ers fan, then became a Eagles fan.

    One chokes and the other is part of the NFC Dumpster fire, how lovely.

Erik Crook

The chiefs deserved that win

Chase Hurley

I just wanna say thank you sm chiefs. I’m a ravens fan and when we loss to Tennessee my barber who is a 49ers fan was talking the whole time. He called us trash and I said the chiefs would clap him while he responded with saying wait till jimmy g is holding the Lombardi trophy. Again I just wanna say tu sm for crushing his dreams and I love you guys.


    Careful going back and talking smack, he might mess up your hairline by “accident”

    shooting real5

    @Alex He will probably call in sick if he makes a appointment..don’t wanna eat that crow.

San Francisco Chokers

Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs. They deserved it way more than us.


    I’m glad to hear about the loss because now I won’t be subjected to cheers and parties over some frivolous game where guys touch each other, pretend to get hurt and throw balls at each other.

    Liam Li Li

    Thank for not being one of those people who said that the Rafes helped us

    Hi Giys I am Joe

    jairtzinio if you dont care then why are you in an nfl video?

    zach shuman

    Hope you guys go back next year… I’m so sorry if I talked crap I was just super excited to see us in the superbowl


    @Hi Giys I am Joe yours? Is it really yours?

S4 Jay

Chiefs: let them think the’re going to win and let’s start trying in 4th quarter
Players: alright bet

    Shaun Sheep

    More like lets have fun for those 3 qtrs, and seal it up in the forth cant say they gave you a chance!!!! Lets go coach REID!!!!

    Rei Sen

    S4 Jay they’re*

    S4 Jay

    @Rei Sen oh god not this kind of person


*49ers in the lead*

Chiefs: Uno reverse card

    EM Kirk


    Bob Brian


    Liam Li Li



    Ion wana laugh…😭🤣💀



Jon Davis

Once KC went down 10 without the ball I knew they would come back and win. I said it earlier

Prestige Shogun

Mahomes has broke the Madden curse!

    SJP Gaming

    Brady broke it

    Prestige Shogun

    Brady threw 0 TDs and a pick and lost to the Titans. So no, Mahomes has broken the Madden curse. Also Beady wasn’t on the cover this year or last year so fym?


    @Prestige Shogun 18 was the year they lost to Philly so chill, but yes he didn’t break it. Still won one after so idk u decide

    Hi Giys I am Joe

    Nah but hes the first person to be featured in the cover and win a super bowl that same year


    No he didn’t he dislocated his kneecap this season.

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