Head Coach Arthur Smith discusses progress of the team going into final day of minicamp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Head Coach Arthur Smith discusses progress of the team going into final day of minicamp

Head Coach Arthur Smith sits down with the Atlanta media to talk about the progress of the team ahead of the final day of mandatory veteran minicamp.

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Nick bagnulo

Love his mentality

Mr motivator


Robbie White


Bubba Gump

Hopefully ollison can carve a roll in the offense


    Yes! Thank you Dan Quinn draft players and forgot they existed.

Robbie White

Arthur took a shot at Julio 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Sho Nuf

    It’s all good


if he says something about a running back, we have to listen. he’s a big part of henry’s success in tt

Daniel Bradley

Degenerate big mouth. Be glad to see Ryan throw the season away again. Very meaningful to the fans.

    jason patrick

    It’s not Matt’s fault

    Falcons/Hawks/Braves Fan Extraordinaire

    another fool with no life 👀

    Clay Lalbachan

    That’s dumb

    Lord Maul


Good Looking Honkey

I hope Ryan gets covid all year

    The Nation

    You gotta be a Saints fan bro it’s no way your a Falcons fan with so much negativity

    Clay Lalbachan

    You’re welcome to go be a fan of another team he’s the quarterback get over it

    Lord Maul

    Go cheer for another team then we don’t need fake fans like you

    Boss Bitch

    I hope “you” get covid all year Hater!!😂


    this guy got poked on his rear when he was a Kid…. only way


I think not having a good running is one of main reason Falcons had loosing seasons last few years. Ever since Freeman was washed up Falcons never really had a real running back.

    Sho Nuf

    You’re absolutely right JT. Things are changing tho.

Nathanael Warren

Only time will tell

Lil Dave

I love this coach already! We’re coming for our championship in the near future.

Lil Dave

Great interview today from the Media asking good questions and coach answering. thanks

Glam Glam

D Led finally asked a question I wanted to know about Quadree. Glad to know he’s finally on the radar.

The Nation

I’m very much excited to see about this upcoming szn!!

Mike Stand

i want to see more ollison. and nobody goes into the season with hamstring or groin problems!!! stretch damn it! warm up! physical trainer and other coaches get on this!


The relationship between him and MR2 as playcaller/QB is going to be a huge component to our success, and I like that he recognizes how important that is. It took Shanny and Matt a year and a half to get on the same page. Once they clicked we had a top 10 offense in NFL history, and MR got an MVP. We def need a solid run game to be in that same discussion but I respect AS’s priorities.

Marcus Banks

I swear, when the video froze, I just KNOW his eyes moved!!!!

B Strong

Prove your doubters wrong Quadree Ollison!

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