GM Brett Veach Talks Super Bowl Moments, Free Agency Plans & the NFL Draft | In the Trenches 2/21 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ian Ballard


Trap Town TWC

Good! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends? 🙂

Trap Town TWC

Lovely content! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends? 🙂

Vee Robillard

Genius. I have faith in this man!!!

Jeremy Hanson

Keep up the pace Veach

Kevin McClintock

In Veach we trust!!!!


I really hope they can keep the core guys they have

B Stacks

Get that boy Swift from Georgia


    Get Ruggs !


Focus. No ego. Coaching. Culture. Discipline.
I still will LOVE it if we keep Jones and Pennel.
Great interview Mr. Kissel. It gives me confidence when Reid and Veach give nothing away and keep all the options open.
Feed your opponents crumbs in a fist !
Go Chiefs !

samson gersing

Kansas City CHIEFS kingdom–> Time to start your engine’s!

Ozark Ed

Even the FA period and the combine are more exciting when you win the Super Bowl. Gotta keep CJ. Like to keep Sammy and DRob but I’m sure DRob will get paid better somewhere else. Like to see us draft a RB, CB, LB, and a WR.

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