Giants Chairman Steve Tisch Discusses His First Impressions of Joe Judge | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Aaron Dandurand

Go Big Blue! Every like=1 win in the 2020-2021 season for the Giants

    Emanz 24

    Leave it at 19

    Francis Aquino

    Four in preseason, 16 in the regular season, and three in the playoffs, so 23 max, thanks.


    I was the 23, no more likes or it wont Work…

    Michael Sherron

    29 LIKE and counting! Those wins will spill over into the following seasons.

    Aaron Dandurand

    @Michael Sherron YES

Nicholas Hennessy

First Comment…G-MEN!!!!!!


    Nicholas Hennessy it’s pronounced GEEEMENNN!

    Nicholas Hennessy

    B RODIMUS Haha facts right there

Muz Kamal26


Muz Kamal26

Let’s go gmen


    Muz Kamal26 it’s pronounced GEEEMENNN!

Chug Jug

Giants pride

Bill McMichael

Given the lack of pedigree, Coach Judge is a somewhat risky bet Mr. Tisch. Especially given the last few years. But I love that you and Mr. Mara had the balls to go with your gut and support this driven and enthusiastic young man. Please give him time to learn from mistakes! Billy B wasn’t created overnight!

    Ray Caroli

    Bill McMichael that’s the point Bill what the giants didn’t need after two failed head coaching hires is another unproven, “well let’s give him time “type of head coach! They blew it when they let Mike McCarthy a proven, winning coach walk out of interview without hiring him!

    The Keeper

    @Ray Caroli McCarthy still has to prove he is a good coach without Rodgers to carry him

    BigBank New York

    They’ve all seem to have forgotten the putrid Belichick coaching tree: Mangini, Patricia, Cronell & Charlie Weis. Amnesia is embarrassing.

Wilhelm Heinzerling


John P OConnell

Hope this hire works out. It sounds like he is a good football coach. But much of any success he has will be the result of getting better talent on this team. Hoping for the best with this new HC Giants hire.

    BigBank New York

    Mangini & Patricia all over again


Joe Judge is going to turn the Giants around. By 2022 they’ll be perennial playoff contenders. Good job Mara, Tisch, Gettleman, you found the right guy

    uncle freddie

    and the Rangers will win the cup!


I appreciate how important the fans are to Tisch

Benny Hill

If Joe Judge is really about tough, hard nosed football, then he has to go Offensive Tackle with the 4th pick. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

darryll moffett

I thought Macadoo was a first time head coach


Hiring guys based on how they remind you of movie directors you worked with?.. Hmm .. I think I see what the Giants problem might be .. lol 🙂

    Matthew McCall

    a2zme Panthers fan here, I thought it was a solid analogy

Global smiles

Thank you Steve!!!! Its because of you we now have a coach. We can be proud of

Adam Giocondo

I didn’t know he was in the movie industry.. that’s interesting.

Mike Amatrudi

I can’t wait! Joe will get this team working and playing at top potential. 2020 New York Giants!! I’,m with Joe.

    BigBank New York

    Mangini & Patricia all over again

alex gennaro

Tisch can count to 5 and it makes him feel good, just like the last 2. Jets and browns should check this out! Just like the 3 stooges-nickel heads!

Derek Bury

It would be awesome over the next two years that when a Giants owner speaks to the public, it is Mr. Tisch…and NO ONE with the last name Mara.

Craig Ward

I love the fact that Tisch came from out of the shadow to put his input after Mara botched over 4yrs of incompetent coaches that did nothing for the Giants but wasted valuable time in the developing of our young core players. Now we’re on our way back to playoffs with aspiration of becoming superbowl champions. Let’s go Blue. And to The Judge, don’t screw this up cause we’re fed up with being the laughing stock of the league


Much needed attitude that’s been missing since Coughlin. Mcadoo/Shurm never had it

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