Doug Pederson Discusses Kamu Grugier-Hill’s Injury & More | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ray T

Injuries always plague this team, That’s why we’re the best when it comes to adversity under Doug Pederson.


2:45 – Maybe injuries are apart of the game, but this amount of injuries year after year is not normal, Doug. Look at the other teams around you. This is not normal and you know it. The medical staff is doing something wrong.

    12 Goner 12

    neetrab yeah we lost all our skill players, desean, Jeffery, Howard is out for weeks, it’s never ending. The defense is already bad, but when the starters get hurt the depth is even worse. Jackson’s injury was definitely completely the medical staffs fault for identifying a hernia after not 1-2-3 but 10 weeks and letting him play.


Again, these amounts of injuries is not normal. To my understanding this is like, the 2nd medical staff in Doug’s era. The 1st was fired before this season and this was supposed to be a new medical staff and things are the same. I’d like to know what kind of interview questions are you asking the people that you are hiring on your medical staff? How are you evaluating them and are you even looking at how other medical staffs on other teams are doing to not have so many injuries compared to the eagles? What’s your approach? Seems to me you need to call Andy Reid (i’m sure he won’t mind helping you out lol!! Okay, maybe not, but couldn’t hurt to ask).. I don’t remember him ever having this issue with his various teams. I don’t know… maybe they need some more calcium to keep their bones healthy lol! I don’t know.


Doug, I need you to tell Carson to take care of that ball like it’s his new born baby.

    Cara Pool

    Omg that’s what I’ve been saying!


Please have Shannon Sharpe come in and talk to the eagles b4 the game. He said he’d do it. He said it on his show “Undisputed”.


11:25 – keep Dallas’s offense off the field (zeke mainly), but you know Dallas (and any other team) likes shredding the secondary. They will use zeke mainly because dak is having issues with his fingers.. run the ball as much as possible. Carson don’t need to look like the hero if passing is not the formula to win… which it won’t be.


Okay, I will stop blowing up your comment section lol

buddy ward

Doug Pederson I hope that the Eagles learn from the last meeting with the Cowboys and give it all you got.

Steven Saldana

I hate to be negative, but I don’t feel confident Doug will have these guys ready and fired up for this game.


I think Doug got something up his sleeve for this game I can just see his demeanor he was embarrassed by that 37-10 defeat early in the year.

iShine 101

We need to draft a medical staff! Lol wtf smgdh

PhillyMcGilly 98

The most injured football team I’ve ever seen 😂


Doug is a bad liar because Hill is clearly being shut down because of him exposing about playing with a concussion plain and simple. And the medical staff is trash plain and simple from the maintenance of players to the treatments have to be bad because it’s no way we stay having this many players hurt year after year and this is a new medical team so someone is hiring the wrong docs and nurses. Its alot wrong fr with this team and it’s starting to be exposed from front office to position coachs. As a fan of this org I just hope these things will be addressed properly. Fly Eagles fly.

Natanel Solomonov

The list of injuries is longer then the field

Natanel Solomonov

Need to sign someone from outside the building to have a chance

John Lancaster

Eagles were overpowered in the first game. They are going to have to show they want this game more.

Purpose Driven

This is ridiculous, no other team has this many injuries to key players! They need to fire the training staff!!

neil u

kamu? who even is that? SHWARTZ DAK BROKE A FINGER in his throwing hand. just hit him enough w blitzs early and often, maybe we get his backup thrown in….

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