Cowboys Break: The Real Cowboys? | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Cowboys Break: The Real Cowboys? | Dallas Cowboys 2019

The Cowboys stunned everyone with their 44-21 win, prompting the question if this was the team we’ve been waiting for all along.

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Carlo Vélez

A good win i


    Fantastic win


I’m convinced but concerned that we are this good but are held back for some reason



    Lava LifeGuard

    Held back by a bunch of underachievers is all there is to it

XxJohnnyXx 239

We still need a lot of work to be this good and consistent but i hope we still fire jason and better and motivate our players for the next 2 game and playoffs if we win


Wheres Broddus.??


    @Lava LifeGuard are you serious? Broddus isnt even at tha organization?

    Lava LifeGuard

    @Gemini87_ No, he’s gone! Something happened between him and Jerry


    @Lava LifeGuard wow! I gotta read up on that 🤦🏽‍♂️


    @Lava LifeGuard Stop lying. BB left on his own. He wanted to spend more time with his son and got tired of the grind of doing so much for the site.

Michael Monroe

They need to hire Chris Peterson as coach and Ron Rivera for defense

Brian Waller

Still not trusting this team. They can go lau an egg in philly


Goff’s injury affected his accuracy………a better QB may have made a game of it…….open receivers were missed consistently . Great that the running game for Dallas limited the time the Defense was on the field.

    Lava LifeGuard

    Yeah well, Prescott had a fractured right index finger as well. Goes both ways!

Brian Waller

That’s the difference bill belchick would of cut woods despite his talent.


    No he wouldn’t have because Woods could help him.

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44-21, but the rams scored 2 garbage time TD’s.

Lava LifeGuard

Helman shut up would you! Fire him Jerry

Cassie Faulkner

Dallas just needs to play that way every time

T Brown

Agree Fire David


Ambar thinks too much like a fan. A lot of her points are silly.

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