Colts vs. Saints Week 15 Highlights | NFL 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
G-Dub 85

These playoffs, especially the NFC r gonna be crrrrrrrazy can’t wait….


    This is why the NFL, for all that is awful, the product is next-level. No other sport can top it (extremely biased opinion).

    Abe 10Alpha

    Absolutely, the 5 playoff teams in the NFC are all fantastic match ups


    G-Dub 85 saints are gonna choke it again

    Richard Harper

    Right! Who will play the Patriots this year!

    Nolan Martin

    Every team is legit SB contender…. cant wait!

Johnny Wolf Dalcour

Brees went for 29/30

21 straight completions

Just was on 🔥🔥🔥

    Justin B

    Johnny Wolf Dalcour 22 straight completions actually

    Edward Gaines

    And it’s obvious his teammates hold him in high regard.

    AWelsh Celt

    Kenny Anderson had 22 straight for the Bengals. Back in the stone age.


    He almost had this record, imagine if he had broken 3 passing records in a game lol

    SspazZ Prime

    eoe123321 that would be a record for most records in a game😂 that would be 4


From the start of the 2010’s to the end of the 2010’s! Brees >>>> Colts! xD


    Lol no kidding though if I was a colts fan I’d hate brees

    christopher cacal

    1990Thunderbolt hahahah you right

t tay

4:02 yea he got a good 2 more years confirmed😭😂😂

    Ronny Racks

    told my bro the same thing 😂

    Anthony Lucia

    He’ll get 600 easy! Then they’ll have to call it hitting the Brees Way!

AJ Pierce

Drew Brees broke the record and watched himself break the record in the stands !

    Mobile- YT

    AJ Pierce For the people that don’t get it there is a look a like drew in the stands

    Tommy Layne

    Brees broke the record at breaking records!

    Evuro Inc

    Haaa yoo, some crazy general in battle right? Lol

DJ Chill Will

He’s almost 41 years old, he just set the touchdown record… AND he still has moves like these!! 4:01& 4:26

    Glenn Davis

    Indeed he plays like a much younger man.

    Yrn Cj

    miguel ledezma I’m pretty sure your dad is not getting hit by 300 lb linemen every week at his age so that probably explains why he can still run but these nfl players put their bodies out on the line after multiple injuries and they get worn down… drew brees is moving like those injuries never happened


    Tom brady has no excuse on why he shouldn’t be scrambling lol

    New England Patriots Fan

    @tito thomas grow up

DJ Chill Will

Announcer: “540 in the 504!” I bet he had that one on some lined paper in front of him just waiting until he could say it.

    Dhaval Sakaria

    I think he was drunk…..

    ken kelble

    He could go all the way…cosel

    Elmer Canales

    He thought he was so clever. 😂😂

    ken kelble



    @BrakeHorsePower92 504 is the area code for New Orleans.

Chesscom Support

Dude is always unreal in games where he breaks Peyton’s records.


    And playing against his old team


Bills fan here. Drew has to be a friggin’ robot. That was some of the most pure passing dart commando I have ever seen.


Do Charger fans cringe everytime they hear the name Drew Brees?

    Lyle Stavast

    they let loose Rivers of tears…

llcoolj x

should’ve put in the : “”NOW you wanna make that call?!” after the call on Saints’ pass interference
that lead to the 7:35 position. The ref’s mic picked it up, broadcasting it to the entire stadium 😀


    At least you id’d the ref vegas is paying off

mark b

Drew Brees broke a record and finished the game with a 97% pass-completion rate…that’s impressive!

    Nichole John

    mark b Right on


    No Mark B that is fking scary!! Grats to the Saints and Brees for breaking the record..

    jon 242

    that’s also a nfl record


    And this is Brees’ third MNF for breaking records at home…Most impressive!


Interviewer: How difficult was it to surpass Manning?
Drew: It was a Brees.

    Mitchell 2020



    Took him 19 years

    Brent Massingale

    Well “played”…


    Time stamp plz…?

    Martin Dean

    skyline eh 18 years which is even more impressive (2019-2001=18), Tom Brady is the only active player from the 2000 draft


Perhaps underrated tonight was the Saints catching. Looked like they had glue in their gloves. Unreal!

    Suicide Squid



    I dont think its underrated because of those sticky palms brees beat the completion record. Without the one you couldn’t have the other

James Trotter

Drew Brees broke the touchdown record…
Also Drew Brees: Percentage rating record? Hold my beer Lol

    Nichole John

    James Trotter Right on


The whole night seemed like a Drew Brees coronation, at one point I forgot who the Saints were playing.


    fr I was like “oh yeah the colts are here and they still haven’t scored yet” LOL

    Jonathan McCoy

    I’m pretty sure the Colts forgot who was playing too

    A smile on my face but a Demon inside

    so did the saints


    At one moment it was the refs, they soured the mood before halftime, but things got back into order once the second half began.


Bears fan here. No matter who your favorite team is, it’s really hard not to root for Drew Brees! ✊👌


Taysom hill is a created character from madden

    Noah Williams

    You aint neva lieing bro lol


    He’s fun to watch. Never know what they got planned for him. And he’s successful. I’d like to see him play QB a lil more


    Seriously. Never seen a guy play QB, running back, tight end, and block punts! It’s like he’s playing in high school or something. Can’t wait to see him as a starting QB somewhere. Gonna be interesting

    Richard Partin

    Seriously though as bad as the saints need a 2nd or 3rd receiver Hill should be it. And while we at at it let Alvin be a receiver too.

    Mason Edwards

    @Roq don’t forget he returns kicks and punts, and he’s a gunner on kickoffs

World Eater

Drew Brees to his running backs:

“You guys can relax this game, I got this”

    Elmer Canales

    World Eater 😂😂


Brees: Wanna see me throw an incompletion?

Also Brees: Wanna see me never do it again?

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