Chris Harris Jr.: ‘We have two more games to end on a good note’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Broncos Country

Made the whole city of Denver look very bad not a good look

Oxi Clean Bleach

Kareem Jackson got suspended just now

    Sam Bradfield


    Binx Negale

    The DUI case was back from September an yea NFL suspended him for last 2 games. Shhit


    Dam that KC game got my boy driving home drunk 🤦🏿‍♂️

    Binx Negale

    It happened back in September bro. Unreportedly an now faced fines an one year probation.

    Gustavo Gonzalez

    Dang if that DUI happened in AURORA he should’ve fought it 😂😂😂😂😂


Try not to get burned these last two games please

roger twitty

sign him…he has earned it just like champ

    roger twitty

    @Trey Newman 4years of cleveland brown style garbage truck juice offense…and your mad at a top 6 defense???? we have outscored only miami and i think the jets….pat B would have let elway go

No name

Listen man ima say this flaws are flaws and the down times bring out true colors these boys will bounce back theyve been struggling, there are alot of variations to why that is as well simple answer is everything is new except the fans the trainers and the house next season will be special I am banking on it.


Put this man in the slot and he’ll shine the last two games of this season! F the Chiefs! I can’t stand Kelsey that dude’s the worst.

    Gustavo Gonzalez

    Darion Spencer WR suck? Courtland is a beast and mlb Johnson is starting to shine! Lol but yeah the rest do suck hahaha

Darion Spencer

He’s tired of playing with bums & it shows that he doesn’t care anymore he knows that he is gone after this year so he don’t care if he gives up a TD now

    Laster Ford

    Darion Spencer he’d better care,gonna affect his market,most definitely

    Trey Newman

    Darion Spencer he’s the bum tf

    Darion Spencer

    Trey Newman true but if we have him play slot all next year he could return to the old CHJ

Jose Johnson

Yep team needs more talent !! Elways misses in the draft and FA are showing big time 😔😔😔


We need Chris Harris back! He’s the glue to our secondary and we need another corner just like him!


    dude hes so slow now . he cant really guard too many good recievers

    Little Nickyyy

    rluellam broken records yes Chris is an elite corner will keep em. But our defense is down but drew lock an Sutton is solid.

    Little Nickyyy

    Our defense was injured an Down. We gotta stay healthy Bradley Chubb was out Demarcus walker out Adam gotits out with hella more


    Sorry, Trey. It’s because I do know football that I understand how valuable he is to our defense. Did you listen to what Simmons said about him? Not to mention that most games all season long, the quarterbacks stay away from his side of the field, whether we’re in man or in zone. He does so much for this defense, sacrificing his own stats and his own reputation. To think that the problems in the defense have anything to do with Chris Harris is simply missing what’s actually going on.


    @preeze, just wrong!


ChJ the realest.

Tom Kearns

Your too busy talking the talk but not walking the walk. How about paying attention to the guy in from of you instead of looking around. Also may want to put a hand on the guy at the line of scrimmage instead of giving a 10yrd cushion

John Waide

This is most likely the last season Harris plays for the Broncos

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