Bruce Arians Praises Running Back Room | Postgame Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bruce Arians Praises Running Back Room | Postgame Press Conference

HC Bruce Arians spoke to the media following the Bucs-Colts Week 14 game.

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_ PfPLil Peely

Yur the best Bruce

    Ben Davis

    Yeah he is



Leon Brown

Great comeback win


Roller coaster ride… sign Jameis to a deal and letโ€™s keep rolling, no risk it no biscuit.

Mr. Smith

This is a Huge Win! Great job guys!

Berryz Bridge

I’m 52. Haven’t played football in 24 years. Gonna be a walk on for Tampa next year. I think Bruce can bring me back to form! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Adam Bub

Sucks to hear his diagnosis on Evans that means everyone has to step up majorly Evans was our highest targeted receiver


    Or he’s just saying that to make the next team think he’s injured and catch them not looking on the serious plays. It’s just a pulled muscle, should be better in a few days I believe.


    Godwin is good enough… Definitely good enough. Watson can ball too.

    Will Johnson

    Yes I hope Mike can make it back. Because if we win without him I see the GM doing something dumb like thinking we can get draft picks for Mike and make Godwin our #1 and Perriman, Watson and Miller being on the field more. Definitely not something I wanna see.

    Shamir Qureshi

    @Zyptic Looks like he pulled his hamstring. That doesn’t heal quickly bro..

After Asteroid Survivor

JW is finally using the pump fake. Now he needs to learn to run it.

    Michael Overton

    After Asteroid Survivor they had a veteran last year in Fitz but he have a one good game then turn it over for a couple games. I agree him running more might help the overall offense


    He can run. He still thinks too much at times.

    Michael Overton

    @Gwrightproductions1 very true. Team reminds me of the 2014 FSU team

    Justin Gardner

    I e said for 4 yrs he needs to use his legs when itโ€™s there. Problem is every single QB looks more athletic n quicker than him. Brady took off for 18 on the last drive last night n looked more athletic than Winston running!! He also NEVER throws it away to keep it 2nd n 10 or 3rd n 10 – eats the sack or throws into coverage.

LeDevin Green

Justin Watson look great today I like him over Scotty Miller. I like us to run the ball a little more but overall great win

    Michael Overton

    LeDevin Green I thought he was excellent today

The Chad

So what do we go for in the draft/offseason? We need offensive line for sure and we also need secondary. Idk if we keep JPP so maybe bring in another pass rusher. Sign Barrett to a huge deal, keep that man in Florida. We need safety help so bad. Dean and CD3 are looking great at corner, Edwards is also looking really good. Bunting idk if he has it, maybe he can develop. And then the big elephant in jameis. What do we do? Do we continue to say okay he turns the ball over more than anyone in history but because of his mindset we donโ€™t care about turnovers? Or do we finally cut ties with arguably the best quarterback weโ€™ve had in franchise history? Whatever happens, the 2020 buccaneers will be a wild and rowdy bunch to watch

    The Chad

    Justin C I can agree with that. Maybe give jameis just 1 more year, go all in on him for 2020 but youโ€™re right we need to put the pieces around him. Maybe if he wasnโ€™t having to throw as soon as the ball is snapped he wouldnโ€™t have a lot of his interceptions. I wouldnโ€™t even be mad if we went safety or corner with the first pick and got O-line with the rest of the pics lol. We need help on that line badly

    Justin C

    @The Chad Yea exactly If you listen to what Arians said, Perriman on that 2nd INT was the hot read, The colts blitzed, Jamies threw it to the hot read Like was supposed to a bit late. The LB just made a great play. But you have an O-line that winston knows he is going to get smacked in the mouth mabye he doesnt throw the pick.

    Justin C

    @The Chad I forgot one thing dud you notice when Donavan went out Winston’s blind side was better protected

    The Chad

    Justin C Donovan has been super inconsistent this year along with Dotson. Marpet I feel like is the only solid piece we have. Any one of the rest of them I feel like can be replaced. Even our maniac center, heโ€™s looked good but heโ€™s also looked really terrible especially with blocking stunts

    Justin Gardner

    No he wasnโ€™t, the first play Justin Houston got a sack !! Smith isnโ€™t that good, but letโ€™s not act like the backup is better???? The problem is Arians n Licht will NEVER address the Oline !! Rojo never has more than 10 carries.. So for all the excuses Winston homers make, keep in mind they send 5 guys on every play so slinging it n having a guy one on one is always there!!

Ramy B.

Bruce is really changing our losing culture! Iโ€™m glad we got him, heโ€™s really changing the mentality for us! Love it! Our resiliency is great! I talk about it in my reaction on my channel!


1st year here and we already have a better record than we did for the last 2 seasons with still 3 games left to possibly win at. Give Winston another year and let’s upgrade that O line and some tweeks on Defense and we’ll be a playoff team for sure!

Lamar big Dallas

OJ has to play WR / TE. He can easily be a poor man Mike Evans. Same way Patriots use Gronkowski. OJ in the slot/TE/WR……. it will work. Let’s go use your brain??

Clutch Sports

I tried to tell guys, Watson is a good WR, glad to see him finally get his chance to show off. Unfortunately Evans had to get hurt tho. Need all of our WRs playing hard.

Brent Safko

Bruce makes too many excuses for Winston’s turnovers. It always not his fault. We will not beat good or great teams with him and his turnovers.

Ron Class

The Bucs only rushed for 75 yards 3 yards per carry. Look at the games where they rush for 100+ yards and notice how few Ints and fumbles that Jameis Winston has. The key to low turnovers is effective Rushing. End of discussion.

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