Baltimore Ravens vs Cleveland Browns Week 16 NFL Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
IShoot OppsI K

First. It’s pretty quite in here

IShoot OppsI K

First. It’s pretty quite in here

Louie nørskov

Lol! League of Legends music in the back XD

Oscar Fournier

Gg’s lmar MVP

TexasBass Fishing

The way the Ravens played week 4 compare that to the way there playing now there just way way to explosive Ravens 34 Browns 21
#RavensNation #Lamarvelous #BIGTRUSS #WooWoo


I been waiting since week 4 for this.


Browns later of that lost in Arizona are nothing. Ravens 38-13

Jay Stiles

The ravens will big 36-16

    Mr. Infinite


    Jay Stiles

    @Mr. Infinite I like that but my comment I meant will win big like my fault for that

Sean Bozeman

Ravens 37
Browns 7


It’s going to be a onslaught

Demon Love

Dam this the last week people can say “but they lost to the browns” better use that card up.


    Demon Love FACTS


    Watch them lose again

    The Infamous Melonhead

    @CoolBreezy#9 not happening


    The Infamous Melonhead I’ll believe it when I see it. BUT Ravens will probably win.

Computer Guy

Ravens 38 – Clowns 17

Ravens Fan4Life

Hey haters this is the last week for you to say. “But you lost to the browns” so go ahead and let it out while you can

Frosted Ice Pharoah

The Ravens should blow them out of the water, but it really doesn’t matter at this point.

The Ravens are winning the Super Bowl and the Browns are hilarious once again.


    Ravens won’t win the Super Bowl, Lamar chokes in the playoffs

    Antonio Palang

    Saints win the bowl. Bet me cash

Moe Moe

Prepare for Revenge revenge revenge I’m calling a total destruction of brownies

Meteor Smash

Ravens 45
Browns 17

Ravens get revenge after getting embarrassed by the Browns back in week 4.

K Pax

Lamar runs the table on QBs drafted ahead of him with this one

Joey Weisen

13-2 that’s a pretty good record

The Infamous Melonhead

“oh, but they lost to the browns” that expires on Sunday

Tre Davis

Idc I’m still rollin with my Browns
Dawg Pound 4 Life

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