Aaron Rodgers on OT win: ‘Lot of things we turned around today’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I breathed a sigh of relief. 👍😁🇦🇺

    Alexander Watson


    jake k

    Time to get ready for them Titans coming to town Thursday Night now


    @jake k Really looking forward to next season and what this young receiving group can do. Some take more time than others to find there feet. Not to concerned if don’t make the playoffs this year. Every year can be the Packers year.

Allison Williams

With injuries it caused him to force it to Watson. I am glad that he had to go to him over and over. Now they have real game time play. They trust eachother

    Samuel Bean

    @Chris Kay Theres only one QB on the field throwing the ball. If you drop it or run wrong routes, you don’t get the ball. I’m talking about TRUST for all QB’s and you are in your emotions talking about Rodgers character.

    Samuel Bean

    @Mikal Gangmark I concur 100%

    Mikal Gangmark

    @Bobbie Grace great after Rodgers retire and we are back to the 70-80s Green Bay missing our super bowl window we had while we have Rodgers.


    Agreed, Allison!


    Until he’s injured again or drops it

Johnny Boy

I’m glad 12 got mad at LaFleur over that 3rd and 1 play in the final seconds of the 4th quarter; honestly should have been a run play especially on that momentum drive and having 1 timeout still probably would have never been gone in OT. But a win is a win 🤙

    Chris Kay

    Rodgers could have run for the first down if he did not hesitate multiple times. The lane was there. Aaron should be mad at himself for his own decision making.

    Chris Kay

    @FlexHyzer You have not paid any attention to how the Packers offense is set up and how much authority Rodgers has. Every play has an audible and Rodgers has the authority to change the play any time he wants. He absolutely can change the play at will ANd the fact that it was reported that this was the highest number of originally dsigned plays the Packers have run in a game since Rodgers become a QB show how much he changes the plays.

    James Dorsey

    @Chris Kay if the right personnel isn’t on the field then it’s not worth it to audible. Have to have the right personnel.

    Chris Kay

    @James Dorsey What part of “there is an audible for every play” do you not grasp? That means he can change every single play to that play with the personnel he has.

    James Dorsey

    @Chris Kay depending on what package the defense has, sometimes the audible would be worse then the original play. Simple concept

evan nich

Dude will tell how it is to anyone. Real.


    @Chris Kay Not wrong. Most of that party is the Trump crowd masquerading as libertarians


    @Chris Kay I just meant he’d probably identify as a libertarian since the whole philosophy of the party is supposed to be do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t affect other people, but yeah it’s pretty much just another faction on the right

    Chris Kay

    @Plazik Wrong. Most libertarians hate him.


    @Chris Kay hey dork. He was immunized. He did special botanical treatments to increase his immune system to the virus. He didnt lie. The whole organization and the league knew what he did.


    @Chris Kay you hate Rodgers we get it. Rodgers takes blame in every platform he speaks on, yet you don’t want to hear it and then want to overreact to every time he tells it like it is. Classic hot take artist.

Mike Belongia

Aaron was throwing the ball better in this game but the offensive line is still not performing great. Still have a chance of making the playoffs but some difficult games coming up. Perhaps there will be continuous improvement, just because we started poorly doesn’t mean the Superbowl is out of reach. Go Pack Go



    mighty floppers

    Why don’t some of you critics tryout for the team! All this BS about the line, and chemistry…some of you get winded tying your shoes, who are you to criticize a professional football team. It hasn’t been a great season for many reasons. If you’re a true fan, you’d enjoy the game for what it is, and be happy to see the win without the ridiculous nit picking.

    The Map Maker

    Superbowl??? You wanna talk about superbowls, after one win in which the Packers had to claw back from 14 down??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 4-6, that’s the Packers record right now.

    mighty floppers

    @The Map Maker yeah, except that the year they won the SB, they crawled in as an 8 seed. I get your point, but don’t count them out yet.

    The Map Maker

    @mighty floppers But that was like what, 12 years ago?!? That’s an entire “career” or more for most NFL players. And who’s on the roster from that 2010 team, other than a 39 year old A-Rod? Randal Cobb??? C’mon man. I know you all think A-Rod “magic” alone can carry the team, but this guy (me) is more about reality. And reality is telling me that the Packers record (4-6) is who they are.

The Kid

Bringing back that old school style of offense I like it!Defense held up for the most part against the run real well which is a positive uptick as well. We are a natural pass defense just need to work on the run game part


I’m actually loving the adversity packers have had this season, like watching the rookies grow into stars & watching how the pack stay together as a team thru ruff patches, last few years we didn’t face as much, winning games left & right so when playoffs came around we didn’t have much experience with this group facing adversity, this can only make the team stronger come playoffs

    Mikal Gangmark

    How are you this delusional ?😂 there won’t be any playoffs for us this year

    Thomas Pick

    Aaron Rodgers is a psychiatrist. The way he speaks so thoughtfully. Brett Favre could never speak like this. By contrast, Brett was a brute. Psychiatrist, not psychologist, because Aaron has experience with drugs, such as Scotch, cigars, and hyawaska.


    @Mikal Gangmark okay 🤣


    @Mikal Gangmark Whatever you say 🤣🤣 idk why you thought you had to type that



Tanya ⚜️

I’d been a while since I’ve seen my QB do a happy dance!
Cheeseheads United 💚💛

    Brett Simons

    Happy for Aaron ❤️

    Ava Tealey

    go pack go 💚💛

    Luis Carreno

    Go pack go 🧀🧀🧀

The Rotten💯

While it was nice seeing progress made, the utter baffling play calling in high leverage situations was still on display today. From Amari STILL returning punts to utter confusion at the end of the game and many things in between, they need to get that figured out.

Robust Bottlecap

I would like to point out that Amari Rodgers is giving me such a heart attack during punt returns. Dude has butter hands that could risk a lot of critical turnovers against the team.

For me, it should have never went to OT at all if it wasn’t for him

    Luis Carreno

    @Sl0wpOke Rodriguez we’ll said 👍🏽🥲 go pack go bro🧀🧀

    Krunchy Klown

    they need to boot him off the team

    Luis Carreno

    @Krunchy Klown word!!!!

    Gary Daniels

    I agree about Amari Rodgers I think if he didn’t fumble that ball we would have won in regulation. But I am so glad we won and it looks like Watson is about to break out

    Tom Hyland

    @Kimberly Brewer Time for the Packers to release him. Nice to see that Nixon was back there receiving punts later in the game. I hope it stays that way.

John Ellis III

Incredible game. Got surprised by my girlfriend with tickets. Her first game!


    Jealous! Next time, cheer a bit louder 😅


    What a great game to witness for her first!


So happy the Pack got a win today! Aaron Rodgers is so misunderstood as a QB. He’s become more humble and still has some fight left in him to improve his game. Keep on fighting!


    😂 This is not middle school 😂!!


    @Chris Kay His time ha come to let it go .


    @Chris Kay dude your so wrong its embaressing 🤣 you cant just be out here lying like that. Maybe you are confusing rodgers with brady as he is the only QB he breaks tablets and outwordly yells at teammates on the field. Plz link one video of him calling out other players directly

    Chris Kay

    @Jiffykid Rodgers has broken a tablet. The only thing embarrassing here is your ignorance.🤣

    Adam Huxell

    @Chris Kay “A lot of the battles we face are between I and I.” Bro listen to the interview lol

Steve Carter

Come on Packer fans keep up the energy! Go Pack Go!

    Uncle Chester The Pester

    Go Pack Go!!!!


What a game for ‘America’s Game of the Week’! Looks like this was the Watsons boost of confidence and Rodgers trust in him as well game we been needing! Let this energy roll over to the Titans and thereafter! It ain’t over yet! 🔥

Arin Sauls

We needed this so badly


This league will really miss Aaron and Tom when they leave..its the end of an era

Alex Xander

Congrats on an awesome win guys! Can’t wait for Skip’s meltdown 😂

Steve Miller

My biggest thing, they didn’t quit. They had every reason to, and didn’t.

tom o'connor

way to go aaron, a well needed victory. you are a super athlete. and what courage you show on the football field. but what a comeback with the cowboys! you are awesome. yes, that back flip was awesome too haha.

Linda Easley

It’s not impossible to run the table on the season. This game was a perfect momentum builder

    Randy Reading

    Just next to (impossible) per odds…

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