Coach Harbaugh Talks Playoff Loss | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coach Harbaugh Talks Playoff Loss | Baltimore Ravens

Coach Harbaugh addresses the media after the Ravens divisional round loss to the titans.

#BaltimoreRavens #Ravens #NFL

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Shemeah Mckenzie

Still a good year ! Bigggg trusssss


    Big LusssssSS

    Roger Arvizu


    Terryl Mclorn


    John Calhoun

    Its lil trussss now

JadenIsThirsty -

It’s all good πŸ˜”


Dude nah come on now what type of game was this dudeπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

    Odd profile picture

    @greysaku true we need to come back better next season and free agency. Lamar Jackson will probably ask a small amount of money.


    @ManBearPig YT you came to war unprepared with a big mouth and got punked on your home turf.

    Benny Bizzness

    @The Guy Who Complains ​ I’m not a Ravens fan but thats nonsense they just got outplayed today. That’s what everyone said after the Chargers trounced them in the playoffs last season and then they went on to have the best record in the league. It’s the NFL anyone can win any week.

    Benny Bizzness

    @Manieah McConnell Chiefs* and wouldn’t hold your breath there, as long as Andy Reid is your coach.

    Trenton LeQuire

    @greysaku no the play book was a huge problem . Only 9 carries by our rbs is a huge issue bro

Ben Valenzuela

Still a fan, been one since 2010, will always be one.

    Johnny Myers

    I’ve been a fan since elementary school & I will be a fan til I collapse

    Nathaniel Salaun

    Been a ravens fan since eight. And I worked tonight too. We’ll be back.

    Cheri Hill

    Love the RAVENS, always have, always will!!

    5xNFLMVP PeytonManning

    Been a fan since 2019


    Been one since 2011


β€œThe Ravens didn’t seem interested in tackling Derrick Henry

    Benny Bizzness

    @True Son Those are earl “the twirl” cambell’s words after the titans beat the pats. Hopefully he ate some crow last night after Henry legit made him his own personal blocker. Great player, but man’s gotta learn not to give other teamms bulletin board material especially a veteran like that.

    Benny Bizzness

    @True Son so so salty kid. Just take the L like a man and give the other team credit. Y’all got smacked in the mouth by a team nobody thought would even been here just like my squad (pats).

    True Son

    THE HAIRY WHOLE get one super bowl!

    True Son

    Benny Bizzness bro I am more then ur parent and it is not salt but reality. U Titans fans are the real losers because instead of taking ur win u chose to boast. So u will be home with us. That being said… no one expected the Titans to make it this far and the coaches and players deserve to be commended for that.

    The Seahawks 24

    but they did tho πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he didn’t start going off till second half


Out coached, too many dropped balls and defense didn’t show up. Great regular season, we’ll be back next season.



    Timothy Swauger

    And if Lamar is your qb you’ll get beat again.


    @Bleed Purple&Black Welcome to a Greg Roman offense. Signed, a 49er fan


    I agree..That boy Lamar gave up on his team too soon

James Perry II

Lamar was doing a good job in some clutch moments, but the TEs and WRs dropped needed catches. Hopefully, next year we can get it going and win a Super Bowl.

    Trevor Thompson

    JDWhit _ throwing for yardage doesn’t make you a pocket quarterback. I was simply saying it’s hard to win once ur down, especially if what makes you special is your running ability and not necessarily your throwing ability.

    joe chrow

    @Darrell Anderson Funny how Pats have the WORST Wide receivers in entire NFL and ranked DEAD LAST in NFL in Separation…Offensive line is a JOKE…QB is “42” years old…Yet Many in Sports Media blames BRADY but Lamar gets an EXCUSE…Hilarious to me…Pats also played the Titans MUCH tougher

    Darrell Anderson

    @joe chrow In don’t remember ever blaming Brady totally, but I digress. It’s a fact Lamar made desperate decisions and tried to do too much, both throwing and running. Also a fact that twice in the first drive of the third qtr, score 14-6, he had poised in the pocket and threw 3 catchable passes, all were dropped. 2 of which would’ve extended the drive in a smoother fashion. Had the ravens scored that drive I believe it would’ve been a different game and G. Ro wouldnt
    have called plays on panic mode. That’s a what if scenario, but in the do or die drives in the 3rd qtr Lamar wasn’t trash. The team was out of sync, like I said and the play calling was failing as well. Lamar doesn’t hey an excuse, he messed up some; but the team felt like it was their first time playing together, and they had miscues all night. Defense had no rest, thus had no chance against D. Henry. The offense just failed to me period.

    TLDR; Lamar was off, no excuse given, 3 TOs, trash, but how mad do u get at the QB that is responsible for over 500 yds of offense.

    Darrell Anderson

    @joe chrow that’s patty mahomes loss numbers (can’t compare throwing ability though)

    joe chrow

    @Darrell Anderson Blame Sports Media…”1″ regular season and they tried to turn him into the Greatest player in Sports HISTORY….Bill Polian is the Biggest Winner of the Ravens/Titans game

Ravenous Blackbird

I’m Shocked and Stunned!!!
This is hard to shake off for awhile. The Ravens had an incredible season! πŸˆπŸ’―


    @Max Nikolenko – πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I couldn’t help but laugh. Hey we got to the playoffs…see you guys next season

    Ravenous Blackbird

    @callewfitz Thank you!!! LMBO. In fact.. The Clowns should be used to losing seasons. You can’t say that about the Ravens! πŸ˜‚

    Chris Rife

    I went to bed angry… and went to bed right after the game didn’t feel like doing anything or talking to anyone. I can handle losses but that loss was BS, players didn’t look like they showed up! They looked out of sync and like they just came back from big party and didn’t feel like doing anything more than they have to do. Also Jackson needs a big body WR who can catch the damn ball when it hits his hands.


    Ravens play in one of the weakest divisions. They get a free 6 wins


Lamar vs his own team vs the Titans… men.
At least we had an historic season, hope Lamar and the team to get better and better.


    No kidding….365 yards passing, and another 145 yards running….It like he was out there by himself….He wasn’t perfect but damn man…He alone accounted for over 500 yards of offence….

    Chris Arthur

    Titans veterans knew how to play Lamar from Vince Young. One progression then run.

    Arturo GA

    Not against its own team but againts themselves. Even that this was a great season, Ill never forget this magical season

    JDWhit _

    Lamar Jackson STILL threw for 365 yards and ran for 143 yards!!!!!!!!!! #ravens #lamarjackson #nfl #Playoffs

Johnathan Jenkins

I’m a bears fan and I’d be happy if we could make a field goal πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

    Rhao LeKhaan


    Anita Bracy


    Johnathan Jenkins

    Rhao LeKhaan yup

    Gary Crook

    Bears ’63 fan here, lmao…. go bears…. lol……

Rodney Z.

We just needed a TD in first half.. These balls are not going to catch themselves

    Brandon Allen

    Bruh they need an antonio brown type receiver, they need someone with killer instinct

Ninety Nine

Looked rusty having 3 weeks off…..

    Big Man



    3 and a half for the starters. Last game was a Thursday night game.

    JDWhit _

    Lamar Jackson STILL threw for 365 yards and ran for 143 yards!!!!!!!!!! #ravens #lamarjackson #nfl #Playoffs

    Just Some Nessie With Internet Access

    JDWhit _ #RavensLostToThe6thSeed

Sean Owens

I’m sick to my stomach smhπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

    Satch Flight

    @GOLDY GOLDY LOL I cant deny ha ha ha ha ha

    Sean Owens

    Satch Flight stfu


    The moment was just to big for Harbough and the boy Lamar

    Vagina Crusher

    Sean Owens packers finna win it all baby!!!!

Cap One

I had this dream that the Ravens lost at home to the #6 seed and won’t be going to Miami.

    Cheri Hill

    I think they call that a nightmare.

Mohamed El hadj sidi

Ravens flock for life had a really good season jus didn’t end the way we wanted


Titans executed their game plan, Raven’s didn’t.


    Mick a he’s doing tht on anybody’s defense Henry’s a train


    What was the game plan? Snap to Lamar and expect him to make every play. Awful. No plan to stop Henry, why wasn’t Hurst involved more? Smh.


    @Tshyne facts

    Kassius Klay8732

    Yeah hand the ball off…! Lol

    GamingBros XL

    J, i agree with everything but the hurst comment, the titans figured out lamar’s weak outside throwing ability, he excels throwing to TEs to the middle of the field, the titans took that out of the equation and made lamar throw to his below average (not hollywood) receivers and when it came up in the big game for the WRs they choked again like last year drops and more drops. I agree lamar should have helped out his receivers more but when you throw a great ball for your receiver to drop it, it really messes with a young QBs head while already under so much playoff pressure. They ravens simply choked and against the titans choking up a few bad plays costs big later in the game. The titans are like us beating the texans. Both good teams but one team fails to score early let’s the other team score then proceed to get stomped by that team trying to play catchup.


Eagles fan here and I was hoping they went all the way. They didn’t look like the ravens this entire game….at all

    Trevor Thompson

    TheNarutodbzss19 nah my quarterbacks black

    Trevor Thompson

    TheNarutodbzss19 tired of hearing the race card and conspiracy theories every other thread. That’s my theory – Lamar got paid rather than the NFL wouldn’t allow a black QB to win lmao my team’s black QB will win. Sorry bud I know you want me to be racist because y’all thrive off of hate but I’m there with ya at the BlackLivesMatter rally’s. We’re you? It’s just time to pull up the big boy pants and stop using the race card for anything


    @Trevor Thompson I haven’t seen anybody else talking about race on this thread but you lol


    @Trevor Thompson Nevermind I’m not even gonna engage you anymore I just now realized you’re one of those white race baiting trolls lol good day sir πŸ˜„

    Trevor Thompson

    TheNarutodbzss19 lmao I tagged him as others did and he then deleted his comment. I know you’re not that stupid.. I tagged him… maybe you are though lol Enjoy the L bud

Josh Mo

Man this was a tough one. Still love my ravens.


Henry threw a TD and titan QB ran one in on QB option.
That hits home hard.

Jo Zon

Baltimore is having a record breaking year for homicides and we just witnessed another.

    Jsap DaMusikNerd


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