Sam Darnold Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets vs. Pittsburgh Steelers | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Logan Depaoli

I was at the game and we won let’s make the playoffs next year.

    J Hoop

    Loool good luck

    Joejoebear Yt

    I hope


    @J Hoop I mean to be fair. It isn’t that hard to believe. If we won the miami and Bengal game we’d be 8 and 7

adam collins

Get this money sam

Shah Alladin

Really wish the Jets can succeed. Jets need their own identity. I Would rename the jets to the Tri-State JETS instead of NY.

    Orange Jesus

    New Jersey Giants


    Nah New Jersey Jets

    Shawn Smith

    @younghoppa5 I’m a Jets fan from SC…….. New Jersey Jets I like……

    Sports Fan

    Shah Alladin New York Jets is better! The g ladies should be the New Jersey Giants

Orange Jesus

Darnold has potential.

    Sports Fan

    Orange Jesus hell yea he does! We just need to get him an o line!!!

hi BYE

SO MANY 3 AND OUTS. I mean, two 3 and outs on one drive after the neutral zone infraction on the Steelers. GAH


    @The Herd Live dude has little help if u cant see the talent i cant help u

    Dick Long

    @The Herd Live What’s the difference between a miami dolphins fan and a carp? One’s a bottom feeding scum sucker, and the other one is a fish.

    Sports Fan

    hi BYE that’s what happens when u run the damn ball on 1st and 2nd down smfh

    Sports Fan

    The Herd Live he’s not a bust! This guys gets no help cuz he had 2 sec to throw the ball. If u can’t c him having talent rn and playing good u have issues and u need help! (No offense). But he’s our future

Patrick Cardoso

Such a talented dude.

Donald Kephart

Great job Sam. JET UP BABY


Jets win… that’s what matters. Our offense needs plenty work tho.

Bill McCue

The Jets have a real shot to win 7 games this season. Which is a marked improvement from last years 4 win campaign. My biggest concern is do 7 wins legitimize coach Gase’s position..

    Bryan Moreno

    I don’t think so, but with all the injuries and Sam being out I think he deserves at least next year to see what happens with the off season and healthy players.

    James Dunn

    At the start of this season, I believed that 8-8 would be a really good indication that they were moving in the right direction. With totally new systems on offense and defense, and a new front office, 8-8 would have been reasonable. But with the injuries to Avery Williamson, CJ Mosely, Enunwa, and all the others, and then Darnold getting mono, even 6-10 is not going to be disappointing in my opinion. The non-stop attacks on Gase are just stupid. I don’t know of any coach who would have done better under these circumstances.


    The only people in that entire Jets building with Super Bowl experience is Adam Gase and Gregg Williams. None of the players do. These guys need to learn how to win first

Sports Fan

Sammy Dimes >>>>> Daniel Jerk

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