Drew Lock: ‘I’m going to keep the gunslinger mentality at all times’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Eddie Rascon


Drea D'lux

To Infinity… and Beyond🚀

    Duke Rose

    Drea D’lux 😂

SCU Productions

Honestly I don’t think Kansas City should be a highlight for him in general. He had to have a game that brought him back to earth. Learn from it. Grow. Prepare for next year. I mean heck, were gonna have 70 mil in free agency and 12 draft picks. Next year playoffs baby! Drew will throw 4000 yards, 40 touchdowns, and 10 picks. Come on!

    Andy S

    @SCU Productions 25 TD’s and 10 INT’s

    Blurry Face

    I’m not sure he needed brought to earth He wasn’t the one who was blowing himself up It was the media


    @Clickbait Jr he is rookie who played his 3rd ever nfl start in a snowstorm! He is great qb who had great potential

    William Carn

    We’re In good shape.

    Santiago Bobadilla

    @Clickbait Jr i like Anthony Castonzo and Nelson Agholor or Robby Anderoson from the free agency for the broncos


go broncos love u drew

King RaZe

Hell yeah drew is the future


Granted, half his drop backs was due to consistent pressure (20 total pressures). Rough game, but the offensive line needs to step and help the rookie QB out.

Kathleen Henderson

Keep up the great work, QB Drew Lock! Let’s hope your offensive guards & tackles show up & block for you! We need the defense to play well and not allow Detroit’s Offense to score points.

Zwagger 19

We better not have a qb competition next year just let him take over and see if he can be the guy

    The Discussion

    Elway basically confirmed Drew is gonna be the starter next year so no QB competition is necessary.

    Zwagger 19

    @The Discussion thank god and thanks for telling me

Wallace Velie

Drew, don’t let the media turn you into a QB that is afraid to throw an interception. Go out there and be that gunslinger. Makes a defense take pause, knowing you will burn them, if they don’t cover every blade of grass. Anyway, it’s your defenses job to get the ball back in your hands, to have your back, so you have the confidence to take risks and get first downs. If you’re going to be fired, be fired doing it your way, making your decisions. God, never get fired doing it someone else’s way, never making your own decisions.

The Discussion

He’s the second best QB in the AFC West. Rivers is washed up and Carr is pretty much playing for his job at this point.

    California Dreaming

    I think you might be right. Rivers used to be awesome but Father Time has caught up with him. I guess Carr and Chucky aren’t seeing eye to eye. Mahomes is obviously awesome and routinely makes ridiculous throws. I’m not a Broncos fan but I was shocked that Drew fell to the second round. If I’m a GM and Lock is on the board Drew wouldn’t be there for long. I thought that Drew was the best QB in his class and I couldn’t figure out why no one seemed to realize it. Well, Elway got this one right!

    Blake Frei

    @California Dreaming yep, and the Lock – Fant connection from that draft is turning into gold. When it’s all said and done, they’ll own the passing record in Denver.

Jay Shanti

Lock getting testy with the media: “I remember one”. Good for you Drew. Media nitpicking a rookie who has three starts on a depleted team

Wallace Velie

Remember, you have a lot of talent around you, keep everyone involved, make the defense know they must cover everyone.

    Cisco james

    Agreed he has done a. Very good job of spreading it around tho

Future Echo

Don’t let people label you Drew. You’re young and can write your own destiny.
I think you’ve got a few books in you worth publishing, but before the first print they’ve gotta be proof read and edited by yours truly.😉

Pappa BEAR

You are our franchise QB we have needed as your first year under snap I as a Denver fan are okay with little mistakes here an there because you are smart an learn from them

Jose Calderon

What people need to remember is that he played 4yrs in college!!! 47 games!!! in the SEC!! No this young man is the real deal. John knows this He will keep the OC. Special Teams coach might be gone. We’ll win these last 2 games I believe.

Christopher Do44

We got alot of cleaning up to do next year. They burned us with all the injuries and situations with the refs and signing of Joe Flacco + the Difficulty of the schedule didn’t help. No excuses, we gotta be champs Fellas

Odd profile picture

He reminds me of drew brees.

    Piet K

    Probably because of his first name 😀

Leonel Pelayo

Next season 35 touchdowns with Sutton 1,300+ yards 10 tds💯💯🔶🔷

    James Larriva

    Leonel Pelayo facts

Jacob Short

My family has mizzou season tickets, I’ve watched this guy every home game in college and have nothin but great things to say. He’s a great guy and a great player. Bright future for him, keep it up Drew!

John Waide

His gunslinger mentality is going to take the Broncos far

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