What Went Wrong in Tennessee? | Houston Texans In the Lab – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tarun Bhambhani

19 secs ago…

Jered Webb

Isn’t that hard to figure out what went wrong

ryan damon


Heartlxxs _0

We need a defense

Adrienne Robles Elisabeth Morrison

Love me your way πŸ˜πŸ’‹ πŸ’πŸ’–

Madwrestler 145

I thought Texans were gonna get destroyed. Surprised it went to overtime


Can i also give you an L

Felix Garza

Clean house. Fire these guys too

    Madwrestler 145



If the D Players would just stay at Home and do what’s required of them for the D play called they could be decent maybe ?? I wont mention that Wrapping up Tackles with their Arms . One of the 1st things you are Taught from Pop Warner and each Level moving up !!!! If thats fixed they might be able to stop RB’s for short gains and stop WR’s from get 10 15 Yards of YAC against our D !!

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