“We’re All Really Excited As Receivers To Play With Zach Again” | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Who knows this could be the start of a legendary duo, “Wilson to Wilson”

    Robert Saleh

    Sounds good to me

stephanie williams

My husband loves this team so much he is a diehard New York Jets fan this whole team is gonna look different because of the quarterback and the weapons they have on office and defense Go Jets💯

    Bumpy Devoshire

    You’re a real one go get him some tickets and watch a game together

    Deez nutz

    @Bumpy Devoshire and top

    Robert Saleh

    We’re going to win your husband a championship Stephanie. We have the right people in this building now we just need to turn this ship in the right direction! Trust the process.

    jim dandy

    @Robert Saleh LOL!!! You better fire your buddy Ulbrich, bench Joyner, stop the Dline rotation garbage favoring SCRUBS, come to terms that your system is flawed, and GET MIMS ON THE FKN FIELD, or you aint winning anything but a bus ticket back to Dearborn, Bob. We’re all rooting for you to succeed. GO JETS

live2 thefullest

love this kid.

Leroy Lyne

Keep drafting Joe, our best players are our young players, specifically your draft picks. Hopefully we win a few games, but I’m looking forward to fixing the o an d lines trough the draft. If ZW is average this year we are set for years to come. Hopefully we get Macai back and ready next year.


Zach to Garret connection gonna be spicy


All Zach gotta do is throw it in Garrett’s area. He will go get it

c con

We also found out that he’s tough, he got wacked and came back

    Zach Wilson’s Mom’s Friend

    In two games he got hurt then came back. Jet tough



Lindles J

He’s lucky to have you!


He seems to be genuinely excited to play with Zach. Love to see it.

Zach Stukey

Garret has been so mature/professional and well spoken since day one! we are still about 2 seasons away from being complete but this new young core looks great

Jon Halbreich

I hope both wilsons can stay healthy. Someone, start feeding Garrett steaks, errday

Roosevelt Martin

They need to cut ties with Joe flacco he is no good it time have pass

Michael Carraturo

I love all of the positivity I really do. But it’s the jets. And we always find a way to be embarrassing.

Robert Saleh

The next great WR


Win on Sunday Garrett. GO JETS!

Kevin Hasbrouck


Cooking with Rick

garret is getting a swagger about him 💪💪

Daniel Hajjar

This might be a crazy comment lo, but I hate when quarterbacks force the ball to one receiver. But, I would love to see Zach force the ball to Garrett because it would show trust, and I think its crucial to the jets future for these 2 to be on same page.

S dot E

“At the end of the day we know Zach will make that play if you are open” AND THESE BOYS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!

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