‘We know Sunday is going to be a battle’ | Falcons Head Coach Dan Quinn – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

‘We know Sunday is going to be a battle’ | Falcons Head Coach Dan Quinn

Dan Quinn on the final game of the season, what it's like having two former Tampa Bay head coaches on his staff, and Vic Beasley's recent performance.

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Harrison Andrade

You guys can do it

Carson ‘

Plz don’t win we need better draft picks

    Daniel Muniz

    we dont need good draft picks to do a good draft

    Anthony Wright

    Carson ‘ Now you are the type of fan that a team doesn’t need. Carson ‘ losing on purpose or tanking will never be acceptable, not with this organization!!!!

Christopher Yang

The players are playing for Dan Quinn! Fans… We need to be cheering and rooting for him! #RiseUp #InBrotherHood

    Anthony Wright

    I agree with that statement Christopher Yang 100%.


This team plays better and won more on the road so I think they can pull it off.


i love DQ i do not want him fired .. the falcons had a few missed field goals and penalties the season could be different .. i dont want a change .. i think he can make this team work

Anthony Wright

DQ is our head coach, our leader now and for the for-seeable future.

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