Vita Vea Returning to Practice, NFC Championship Preview | Bucs Insider – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Vita Vea Returning to Practice, NFC Championship Preview | Bucs Insider

Senior Writer/Editor Scott Smith and Team Reporter Casey Phillips report on the latest news ahead of the NFC Championship Game against the Green Bay Packers.
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Dallas fan here, pulling for y’all to go to the Superbowl

    Buc Wild

    Thank You!! LFG BUCS

    Thegamebred Ramon

    Thanks man

    Thegamebred Ramon

    @Joel Mayol you in the wrong chat buddy

    Conorpop 53hot

    I am from Philadelphia born and raised. By law I am prohibited from offering a boys fan thanks. 😁

    plalazlo_ -


zackery Gallagher

let’s go

Gerardo Reyes2

Patriots rooting for the buccs !

    Sandra Becht


    Chess Guru

    @Rival Boss yessir let’s go Bucs 🤝

    MT Chris

    LET GO!!!

    iHeart Winter


    Cwasont Mon


Josias Jorgio

Lets go Bucs!

Brandon Stephens

I hope big man vea is able to practice hard today snd is cleared to play this weekend. He’s a game changer as long as he’s actually healthy and ready to play in an nfc title game. 💪🏼 🏴‍☠️ ☠️

Zenith Bear

Yall should be practicing in NE for this game not in the hot


    Thats a good point but the risk would be they get sick from needlessly being in the cold.


    That would burn them out from taking flights just to practice in colder environments. The best they could do honestly is playing in the early morning or late night because it gets sort of chilly in Tampa here especially due to winds.

    Zenith Bear

    @Xentraction But it’s not Packer Weather. They need to practice in a Ice skating area


    @Zenith Bear Haha 😂 Thats a possibility


Im a Cowboy fan I’m voting for tampa

    P Cody

    Thanks bro I appreciate the support from a Cowboys fan 👍🏾

    Christopher Britt

    Thank you 🙏🏽

    Awesome Dylan

    Your the 3rd cowboys fan here so now your my second favorite nfc team:) I’ll root for you, as long as long as the bucs arnt in;(


We need you big guy! Let’s go Vea! Let’s go BUCS!

Emery Julian

Thank god that vita is back🙏

John Anderson

Casey is just lovely…had to be said. I hope the Bucs keep her employed for years to come.

    Jim D

    Dude, get some standards.

    Black Crow Vol 2

    At least she is not annoying as Jenna Lane.

Ellis Carlton

Vea at 60% is better than most teams NG.

    iHeart Winter


Seema Ghosh

Bucs Defense should give Rogers the same treatment that they gave him earlier in the year.

    Zenith Bear

    @s5 dollars Sup circus

    Ethan Newberry

    @s5 dollars the saints beat buccaneers 38-3 buccs beat packers 38-10 we play wayy worse against the saints 😂

    MarcPalacios FPS/FGC-SlayAtHomeDad

    @s5 dollars Lol here we go again. Both teams have a opportunity. It’s a whole new game buddy both are better teams than the regular season but Bucs were the only team to give Rodgers a hard time. Hopefully they can do it again.


    s5 dollars Ummm Saints are tougher than the Packers lol..

    Ethan Newberry

    @Charles buccaneers have the best motivation in the league too

Fazal Ishmail


Ben Vasilinda

Vita Vea and OJ Howard would elevate our chances of winning the SB exponentially.


    Not Howard… not now. Brate is on fire and Gronk is irreplaceable right now. I just don’t see it.

A Sh

From Russia. Watching NFL just because of Tom Brady. Let’s go!!!

    mahour mahour

    same here in France,
    he is global

    Littleone Forever

    Same here im in puerto rico and big brady fan


    From frickin Pakistan lol

    MT Chris

    America here lol

Dousy AOS

Let’s go Bucs! Vita Vea will be a big help for this defense!

JJ Faris

GB/Rodgers is getting all the hype from the media and expected to win. BUCS know what they are up against and have the weapons. As a TB12 longtime fan, I am hoping and praying for the BUCS to win. I want Tom and all the passed over pro bowler players to get the respect and recognition they deserve. Let’s put to bed all those who think TB needs BB to play well and the team being referred to as the Succonears. Go kick some A..

Awesome Dylan

Vitas coming back!! We need it
Please we need to go back to 3 yards per carry on the defense!
This will be a tough game. Stay humble. We can do it!

Mya G

He doesn’t even need to play every snap, having him back for Sunday would be HUGE

    Rick Lowery

    Whats your ig

Christopher Wilkins

Casey is super-hot. She’s definitely a dream girl. She should be Miss Florida.

    apocalypse now

    You blind she lks like a vampire from salems lot movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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