This Decade’s #1 Draft Picks Ranked & Eric Edholm from Yahoo Sports | Best Podcast Available – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
erick smith

Shows these guys know little about football.. cam is one of the least accurate QBs in the league… and with the injuries..he wont run anymore…. so he is worthless.. and is not better then what any team already has..

    Dustin Murphy

    He would literally start on at least half of the teams in the league lol shows what you know.


It seemed like Bradford always had a terrible oline in the NFL, so him being injury prone may be on the Rams

Dustin Murphy

Our left tackle from the last couple years had the worst arrest imo. He’s gonna do some serious time. I know he was no longer a Brown but still. We lucked out there.

Mark Perron

Come on guys – Cam Newton is no longer what he once was coming off a major injury and no one can have their own docs check him out. He was horrible his last season playing maybe due to injury. When Belichek passed on him and Rivera didnt bring him into Washington it should tell you something. Let Tyrod play and teach the rookie.
Clowney takes games off not plays off. We are stacked at Def End right now so stop talking about this guy and save the cap space to cover any issues like injuries.
Stick with what we have until guys start getting released. That window will be much shorter and quicker this year.

Louis Ford

Hence why I will not watch the last dance. Jordan killed an NBA Finals worthy Cavalier teams.

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