“They overcame a lot of adversity and got a win” || Bill O’Brien on victory over Titans – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Quinn Williams

You’ll be one and done like always… same ol song. Hopefully then cal fires you, Deshaun deserves so much better.

    Andy Nguyen

    No more noobie HC, hope Jim Harbaugh is Texans new HC and GM in 2020


    We’ve won 3 soon to be 4 of the last six division titles that’s not easy. We usually end up going into the playoffs banged up so it’s hard to make a run. 🤞 we get JJ back and try to go win one this year. That’ll quiet the naysayers we do need a GM though..🤘

    Davor Stjepic

    No man. We can’t fire this POS. He must have some incriminating evidence on owners otherwise he would have been fired long time ago. Instead, he fires everyone else and gets promoted

Wuzi Mu

the secondary needs to maintain focus better, but i think as the young guys get more experience they will continue to improve for years. and watson needs to improve his accuracy and he will also keep improving as he gains experience. he thows a little behind and low sometimes, but as he goes on he will know when, where, and how to throw the ball better. o’brien was a little conservative late but it wasn’t a bad call. if the defense was more reliable it would have probably been the best call. and watson will learn when to audible and what to when he gets more experience. he definitely has the freedom.


I hate to say it but I hope we make the Playoffs and are 1 and done so maybe CAL McNair will listen to the fans and hire a HC and DC who will use the players the right way . Watson is a winner but this Offense is a bunch of over complicated BS . If Watson was in a West Coast style Offense he would be beating all QB’s that Offensive Style fits his skills WAY better then this messed with Ernhart / Perkins Offense does !! It doesn’t need to be this complicated with so much Talent . I was looking at Watkins sitting on the sideline today and he didn’t look happy he normally always is smiling when we have lead and we did . Somethings not right in the Field House I think its OB putting everything on his shoulders because he thinks hes smarter then everyone else . I want him GONE and I am very FAR FROM ALONE !! This Team has no Identity JJ Watt has been wasted just like AJ . Wake up Mr. McNair PLEASE !!!!!!!!! FIRE THE COACHING STAFF ASAP !! DONT WAIT UNTIL ALL THE BEST CANDIDATES ARE GRABBED UP BY OTHER Teams … This Team Underachieves andhas for 6 Seasons cut the Coaching Staff loose . If O’Brien wants to stay as GM most of us are ok with that hes done a good job doing that .

    Andy Nguyen

    McNair are clueless in NFL

    Quinn Williams

    If they lose in the wildcard, he has to be fired. Anything less than the AFC championship is unacceptable.


    Agree !!

HTX 713

Bill O’brien’s playcalling is so damn predictable smh and he’s also not doing a good job developing Watson as a young QB

Andy Nguyen

OB cant handle success in NFL, not super bowl HC for sure


Tough hard faught win.. We are the south 🤘

Jose Sanchez

Where my titan fans at😎

Davor Stjepic

Bill O’Brien may be the dumbest coach in NFL, but he certainly is one capable scam artist. He’s been screwing Texans for 6 years and still going😂

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