The impact of Broncos players peacefully protesting for racial justice | Broncos Beat – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
uncle Jakob

#BroncosCountry #RacismSucks

Jesse Williams

Proud to be a Broncos fan.


wanna be friends?


this makes me more proud to be a broncos fans


loved it

Dark Dan

And this is my I love the Broncos!

Andre Renix

Go BRONCOS Go Great to see the unity πŸ‘πŸΏβœŠπŸΎπŸ‘βœŠ

Jerome Schulze

Keeo it up boys!!

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you are cool

Jerome Schulze

Those who didnt like kapernick kneeling yall are hilorcrites!! Amd the leauge!! I knew ecactly why i knew why he was kneeling.. Its ciz of this reason..waant cuz he didnt like america or the flag is cuz police brutality!!

    Ryan Kim

    Nice spelling my guy

    Honey Badger

    Then why did he do it during the national anthem?

#1 Broncos fan!

I thought jerry cut his hair?


    Lol I thought the same thing when he had the video of him going up the stairs for Haiti 🀨 guess not haha


Love to see the NEW broncos go out and be LEADERS!!! Love it! Love it! Love it!!! GO BRONCOS!

Honey Badger

Stop making this a racial issue, it’s not.


    How is the fact that a disproportionate number of unarmed black men (and women) are killed by the police each year not a racial issue? There are other factors (like insufficient training of officers), but race is clearly a major issue when it comes to police brutality in this country,


I’ve never been prouder to be a Broncos fan.

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