The Human Joystick Takes It 93 Yds to the House | Refreshing Moments in Chiefs History – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Conner Crushes


Chris In Real Life


Sheila Russell

Great return. Go Chiefs!

Skepped ć„Șわれた

Kansas have always been unstoppable 2003 to 2019 vs pats

Toraolaw 14

Loving this time and it’s history from Spain

Derek Mathews

So love Dante Hall! He was a badass.

doG -the backward goD

That’s a poor look at that run. If it’s the one I think it is, Hall starts forward(fast) then stop/leaps straight backward causing 4 converging Broncos to land in a pile on the empty space where Hall had just been. It was so quick and amazing it looked like something out of a Roadrunner cartoon.
A better look, maybe the entire run as it aired?

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