Texans’ safety Michael Thomas’ first press conference | At the Podium – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Andrew Alvarez


Nathaniel Lozano

Stair up first love the Texans man❤️

James Texan 808 keto kid

Is he the starters? Or back ups?


    Prob special teams

    Roberto Rodriguez

    Starter for special teams, back up for safety

depressed slasher

I’m excited for this guy


Loved it

Tim Ryan

Fire O’Brien!!!


Sounds like he speaks far from another galaxy away lol
Anyway, fun to watch this guy play as a Texan

John South

Wow. Watching him get emotional just taking about what BOB said… you can see how the recent murder of Mr Floyd has affected him and how he appreciates hearing that from his coach/GM. I was moved by his passion. You can see from this and his highlights that he is a proud Houstonian and he is happy to be home. I’m sure it’s a dream come true to be playing for his home team. So happy to have such a smart, giving, caring man in our organization representing the Texans. He came here after the hurricane and gave his time and money and efforts. Welcome home sir. We are so proud of you and glad to have your spirit and skills. Wishing all the best to you and your family. Continued success with the Texans!

Bryan Bennett

Seems like a good man. I pray for success 🙏

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