T.Y. Hilton Postgame Press Conference | Week 17 vs. Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Jensen1971 RCS

Yall slept on the Raiders. Happy New Year!

    Bryce Alfred

    Nah the raiders just had a good game

    Joel Castillo

    Raiders played hard for Madden and Colts came in flat.

Gardocki โ€˜s Playground RB


Gerardo Arellano

Lol where my Colts fans at ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Joel Castillo

    Right here whats up?

    Ardonis Williams

    Right here! Let’s go Colts!

    Kacey Griffith

    Right here and gonna stand right here. I ain’t going no where #BleedBlue

    Lefty Stomper

    The Colts are gonna win the SB! Where will u be then?

Mr. Courtney

Just ask him what he saw on offense that was problematic. Stop asking them emotional questions. We all know theyโ€™re frustrated. This isnโ€™t a counseling session. Ask open ended questions and let them talk. Journalists talk too much in their questions.

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