Steve Harvey Fixes All of Football’s Problems in Opening Monologue | 2020 NFL Honors – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Colin Poole

Paul Rudd must be a huge fan – he’s in the front row every year.

    Juan Chueco

    Justin Sime yes

    Mr. Rootbeer

    @Dallin Perry his one flaw 😔


    He has been best friends with Joe Buck since they were kids too, thats a pretty big “string” to pull. Not that I care for Joe Buck. (Randy Moss mooning) “Thats a disgusting act!” What a tool!

    W.B S.

    Hes geeking he loves his hometown so much



Jordan Key

All these guys listen to the artist who’s with his daughter


    @The Unimpressed For one he steals his suppose to be friends jokes for himself.

    Cezarrio McQueen


    The Unimpressed

    @mrcooldeadly85 still don’t get why that makes him a sellout

    ja'Nae Collins

    That’s not his daughter

First Name

the closest thing we got to an AB joke was Steve saying that only crazy people return punts

    Ryan Champ

    @Pornstar Videos I don’t like him, but I can understand the struggle with your own head/mind, (from my own life experiences)
    It isn’t a decision as those illnesses (“if” he has one) are not leading to logical decisions and real reflections of yourself and your surroundings


    @Josh Johnson Yea but his family & friends should’ve realize this sooner that something not right about AB mentally. Hopefully when he do get help he’ll cut ppl off because they failed him as a support system.

    Josh Johnson

    @mrcooldeadly85 It isn’t even a thought of if his Friends of Family realized if he has issues, they know he has them no doubt, but he surrounded himself with clowns and yes men, and so there’s no safety net or logical person near him. His agent was his last sane voice and ab just wouldn’t listen, he has to hit the bottom before he can rebound

    David James

    @Ryan Champ I concur.

    iskz gaming


Runningback#28 DonePulledUp

Cam looks like that uncle thats disappeared and then magically shows up

Leo Matsumoto

“I’ve never seen a black kicker”
Comment section: resist the Kareem Hunt jokes

    Seizzy Boi

    lmao pats should sign him as a kicker

    Will NorthAmericanGroup

    That was nice!

Mitchell Trubisky

“I’ve NEVER seen a black kicker”

DEESTROYING has entered the chat

    TaCk E

    Mitchell Trubisky he probably meant a good kicker


    Mitchell Trubisky You the Goat

    muraad bashir

    Mitchell Trubisky neither are in the nfl

deeyungbull2019 drippy dri0

They the most pissed off people cuz theyon get to play, they on special teams🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

That Fletcher Guy

Mike Tomlin the coach turns to Ryan Switzer the white punt returner “uhhhh”

    a b

    Does he really return though? Explains his whiteness.

    King Amen-Tut-Ankh

    That Fletcher Guy that’s kinda the joke everything he said doesn’t exist does .. meaning there is no real inequality in sports he’s mocking the idea

    King Amen-Tut-Ankh

    Your One Black Friend Who Gave you the N Word Pass raiders had a black kickers idk if he ever held the ball though

    TheBlazikenBro BOI

    Envy San Diego

    This guys was a college football kicker

Jason Chaidez


Steve Harvey: Hwite!

    MWTB _Ryan

    ZhangtheGreat lol Stevie

    M.K Games

    Jason Chaidez 😄

    This is Phillip

    Jason Chaidez haha


    MWTB _Ryan • Stewie.


    Lol well that’s the actual pronunciation

Dj Westbrook

Steve Harvey: I’ve never seen a black kicker

Kareem Hunt: Am I a joke to you


    Now that is funny


    He was saying a black kicker and holder pair pay attention lmao

    Zenopos III

    And you stole a comment


    Stolen comment

    KeepPounding Panthers

    Dj Westbrook totally didn’t see this joke coming

SCP 1715

Steve Harvey says “We need more black coaches”
Me: Looks in comment section for “What about Mike Tomlin and that dolphin coach”

    Luke Uptegrove

    Also that guy that was somehow coach of the bengals for like 15 years

    Justin Sime

    @Luke Uptegrove marvin Lewis


    And there are 32 teams lol everybody acting like 2 is plenty 🤗

    Tori Temple

    More than 3 people. You get retreads, nepotism, and unqualified people all the time. There are more than 3 good black coaches. There 0 black owners. The people have the money but they have to be voted on by the other owners.

    KeepPounding Panthers

    Tori Temple not to mention most the coaches at lower coaching positions are white


Sounds like Steve hasnt watched much of last season. There were lots of jokes to be made

    iskz gaming

    Fuert Neigt mane stfu

    Carter Grice

    Fuert Neigt Go dye your hair.

    Tori Temple

    @Thie97 Lets see your monologue. He is a professional making 10’s of millions of dollars. Lets your 24 point blown lead monologue. You got 11:30 more minutes of material to come up with.

    William Rutherford

    Thie97 the nfl likely told him to not make fun of people anymore. It’s unfortunate that the players have become so soft because I’m sure Steve could have made some good jokes about AB, Baker, Kraft etc

Jonathan Poon

White punt returner.
Edelman: “do these rings mean nothing?”

    Trevor Harrington

    @I Play To Win Edelman, Marc mariani, Danny Amendola, Wes Welker, Cole Beasley. Need more?

    Justin Sime

    @Trevor Harrington Redskins current punt returner trey Quinn is white


    Buffalobills 1990 Sad bills fan

    Michael Chapman

    I Play To Win Taysom Hill

    Cody Adams

    @Buffalobills 1990 you’re the biggest tool in the world sooo

Brian M

I usually love all of Steve Harvey’s stuff but this was far from his best performance.

    Christopher Young

    Who care

Alex Schubert

Steve Harvey: Where are the white punt returners?

* Alex Erickson enters chat *

    Aiden Butler

    Alex Schubert who

    Alex Schubert

    @Aiden Butler Google him, my dude

    KeepPounding Panthers

    Alex Schubert yea but how well did the bengals do this year

    Alex Schubert

    @KeepPounding Panthers Well enough to have to resort to a white guy at punt returner

Jason RickRoll

This is incredibly offensive. To someone. I’m sure.


Steve Harvey: Racial diversity

*Crowd*: laughs and claps awkwardly

    tampon 2001

    They didn’t know what to say Steve’s a legend 😂😂

    Trey Loveles

    It’s funny that they say racial diversity but only apply at the NFL coaches and not the players. Are both not based on performance?

    Ashley Jordan

    Trey Loveles What? Did you actually watch this?

- Butter -

Steve: “Jarvis, stay with us. Odell, stay with us”

Nick Chubb: am I a joke to you?

    Ayush Gupta

    – Butter – Chubb isn’t going to leave

South 001

Uncle Harvey: We need black coaches!

Mike Tomlin & Anthony Lynn: Are we a joke to u

    . Polo

    South 001 …. Brian Flores too homie ✊

Shaq Montague

“”More “” black coaches please”” we know about Tomlin and Lynn lol MORE is the word of the day ppl

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