Stay on Point | Chiefs vs. Seahawks Preview | Defending The Kingdom – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Devin Dills

Let’s go Cheifs ❀

Alaric Brewer


Alaric Brewer

I’m from Eugene oregon

Alaric Brewer

I’ve been a chiefs fan since I’ve known football

Ask Me If I Care

Shout-out to Cole!

    jennifer aceste

    How Bout Those Chiefs!

Nicki M

Cold in the Kingdom on the River (Hannibal, MO), but the Chiefs can heat things up on Saturday!!!❀‍πŸ”₯❀‍πŸ”₯❀‍πŸ”₯❀‍πŸ”₯❀‍πŸ”₯

Sheila Russell

Go Chiefs Go!!!πŸ˜œπŸ€“πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ˜

Lanh Nguyen

Where can I buy this hoodie?

Troy Kaneer

Mizzou transplant to GA expanding the Kingdom in every way

Janet Burnett

I live in Colorado and was born and raised in Kansas city but I will always defend my Kansas city chiefs

Janet Burnett

So so proud to be a chiefs fan

Mark Mathes

How do I buy those sweatshirts I wanna buy one for my dad

Ronn Groves

Hey there from Greeley Colorado, otherwise known as Chiefs Kingdom – Rocky Mountain
Division. It is currently minus 16 degrees here so 11 degrees sounds balmy.
I have been a Chiefs fan since going to games in the Municipal Stadium days and was at what is still the longest NFL game in history on Christmas Day 1971.
Seven straight division champs…..AWESOME!!!!!!!

Joyce Bess

I love you guys! It’s like going to a Chiefs class!🀣!!!!

James Johnson

Just like every player on the team you’ve backed him up right will you go backup bucker too you sound a bad time just I keep everybody else you backed him up too running back receivers defenders right the whole team just cause you missed a couple of Field goals you gotta back him up how about those Chiefs

James Johnson

Checking in from California James Johnson

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