Staley on Deadline & Keenan Update | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Staley on Deadline & Keenan Update | LA Chargers

Head Coach Brandon Staley meets with the media to talk the Chargers’ strategy during Tuesday’s NFL trade deadline and also provide an update on the injuries to wide receiver Keenan Allen, outside linebacker Joey Bosa, and more ahead of LA’s Week 9 matchup with the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday.



#LAChargers #Chargers


What a nightmare of a season . And the nerve to not get a receiver knowing Keenan isn’t healthy

    Erick Navarro

    And Mike and joshua

    Randall Turner

    The reason we didn’t trade for a WR is that we want to win a super bowl. We’re not going to do so this year regardless. If the trade doesn’t improve our chances for next year, we shouldn’t make it.

    Keeping It 100

    Chargers giving me pain mane damn


    Seriously Allen is 30yrs old and not exactly a healthy career seems like he’s always hurt or banged up maybe another receiver would’ve worked in long term anyways

    Jay Da Will

    @Emmanuel Vazquez Elijah Moore never said he wanted to be a one stop making up y’all own rumors man.

Moe K

Interesting how 7-0 6-1 5-2 teams are trading for players that can HELP WIN NOW. That is the difference in the mindset of successful franchise’s. You play every season for NOW not next 5 years. How do you expect fans to continue supporting without the right mentality to show that this team is a contender NOW. Maybe there needs to be an ownership change since it seems that there is a problem with the current finances.

    Robert D.

    I know a bunch of us ARE hating on the OWNER SHIP , now . BUT, they [ DID ] try this year . The Problem I had with it , is putting MOST of your EGGS in the Defense part & NOT enough help for the offense . Getting KILLED by the run , fine , 3rd year in a row . BUT , now they can NOT score for lack of talent & 19 QRTRS of NO POINTS in the 1st & 3rd QRTS [ Joe Blow ] play calling there , NO other way to look at that ? Oh, lets add in 5 to 7 MORE games with just [ 3 ] points in those SAME 2 QRTRS ? Fly like a Eagle , oh, wait , that is our OLD OC doing that , now ? We got A . Lynn’s , son calling for our last 24 games ? Lynn’s back in the house ….LOL !

    Young Oz

    If you always play for now you end up like the rams with great squad for 3 years then you’ll have a lot of average or bad years with us we’ll go thru few average seasons but Staley at end will either win a super bowl or this team will get passed off to someone who will take his blueprint of this team and add to it either way chargers are gonna be really good real soon an you already see it certain times but they never play great on both side of the ball at the same thing

    Moe K

    @Young Oz yeah it could happen but its already happening, our wr depth all average or below. Defensive ends besides mack and bosa are average or below and a very significant drop off. So what you’re saying doesnt actually make sense. This team hasnt been to the super bowl in 20+ years so how much longer do you want to keep building a team for a sb??


It will all wash out . And we will start winning. ⚡👊🏈⚡


    @James Smith well guess we have a difference of opinion. And I could care less what you think. Bub


For some reason I feel like the Chargers have something up their sleeves to finish the season strong. Let’s Go Bolts let’s make the playoffs.

    Chinese Spare Ribs

    what are up the sleeves of Telesco and Staley are updated Resumes…conspiracy thought: the NFL media and social media are poisoning the well for Staley so Sean Peyton can move in…


    Hope you’re right brotha… bolt up ⚡️


    I agree, we all praying for something good 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻



    Bolt Bros Podcast

    We used to be such an incredible December team. But this year if we do its to late.


He’s great at completely avoiding every question. I want to like the guy & I want him to succeed. His decisions last season & through the off-season were very good in my opinion, but since this season started I’ve really started to have my doubts. The players in this team have the talent to play at the level of the chiefs & the bills, but these coaches are not putting them in that situation.


    @Randall Turner Are you comfortable with the way things are going? When people ask you why you feel like we didn’t do anything at all to address our situation we don’t want to hear if Bosa is in the building if he’s not playing anytime soon we don’t wanna hear some BS about Keenan Allen and we know he’s not 100% we wanna know why you guys aren’t addressing the issues right now that’s what I’m talking about we’re getting gassed up the middle for 80 and IDR runs we got guys that was drafted in the third round and haven’t even played yet this year we understand that getting a person that would’ve helped us right now you also have to consider next year‘s roster but right now this could slip out of our hands easily and we’ve seen it done time and time again but if you’re happy with the way things are going just disregard what I said I think he’s a bullshitter now I wanna like him like someone mentioned earlier but he’s giving us all the reasons why not to believe his BS And just for the record I never said I didn’t understand him I said he’s evading answers

    Jay Da Will

    @Mak fans Yall like make me wonder. Sean Payton has only won one SB with one of the Best QBs dating back to 2009 and this is who you want to coach our team… a old coach who hasn’t did much since then smh ridiculous

    Randall Turner

    @COACHTY1 re: “this could slip out of our hands..” lol it’s already slipped. And of course I’m not satisfied with it. But, it is what it is.


    @Jay Da Will I totally agree. He bailed on the Saints after he put them in salary cap hell that they’re digging themselves out of. He hasn’t done anything without Drew Brees and wtf was he thinking with that Taysom Hill situation? Payton is NOT the savior for this team

    Jay Da Will

    @greatslambino at all bro

Chinese Spare Ribs

Just roll with it Charger fans…it’s normal to pour emotions into something your’e passionate about, though doing so won’t change a damn thing. Enjoy the roller coaster ride, Bolt Up for 10 more games!

    Moe K

    I want to be excited About the rest of the games but how can you expect a different result with the same old playcalling and lack of dynamic play makers with speed. The offense is so boring now compared to the last 2 years. Defensively has been terrible as well, cant even rely on them to stop the texans. While there are other teams out there successfully winning seasons consecutively.

    Joey DiGiovanni

    I’d love to get on board. But I’ve been a fan since the early 80s, born into this fan base, and I’ve seen this story before. Can we rewrite our own history and turn it around and finish strong? Sure. Will we? I hate to say it but I don’t see it happening. Coach looks defeated already. He’s looked overwhelmed since week 2.

    C.J. Cannon

    Nah man, Staley is not the guy. He’s gotta go soon before we start losing/wasting the top tier talent we have.

    Jonathan Taylor

    Well put. Enjoy the ride, CardiacSuperChargers ⚡️lol

    Chinese Spare Ribs

    @Joey DiGiovanni good take, finishing strong would be a historic moment…

Luke Reyes

Chargers went ‘all-in’ financially during offseason acquiring free agents like JC Jackson, Mack, etc… – They don’t have any more money to pick someone up by yesterday’s trade deadline. Current roster is it. Hoping and praying players ‘step up’ 🙏


    Hate to tell ya but praying isn’t going to help this franchise.

    Young Oz

    We do but it just not smart to spend our emergency money on someone that doesn’t have a place in our future when we get another good defensive player or wr or te 1st rd and 2nd rd next year I think we’ll be happy we didn’t make these moves

    Daniel V

    There were double the trades this year. More than twice of my any year? He’s incorrect


Haven’t watch yet lemme guess. Staley thinks this team has resilience and toughness and is confident in the guys they have especially at WR since we didn’t trade for any.

    Kohen Kerr

    Very accurate 😅

    Vic Valdez

    Spot on!!

Edwin El Duro

Come on guys we are 100% behind you! Let’s get healthy ASAP and make a playoff push. Guaranteed no one wants to see us in the first round even if we’re not at 100%


before the season I felt we would drop 5 games…so we have 2 left to drop and I hope that’s how it’ll play out. The team will be healthy and confident going into the playoffs, if my prediction comes to fruition tho…


    Doubtful. We will end up 10-6 best case and 8-9 worst case. These injuries and lackluster coaching will haunt us with a tough Home stretch

    Colton Caskey

    We will be lucky to win 1 of the next 4.

    Robert D.

    You might to say , drop the next 4 games , so you can HAVE 5 lost games in a row ?

John Andrei

We Chargers fans are with you always win or loose we have faith in you and we know you will win you owe it to your selves you do have the great team the great talent and the great mind and trust on each other to go as far as you want to go we believe all the way

    David Herrera

    Yezzzir ⚡⚡⚡


I’m really really really really concerned about our offense. Make no mistake about it… our defense set us up to get points a few times vs Seattle and we didn’t capitalize even ONCE.

    Isreal Tellez

    It’s the play calling not the players . We got good depth just bad calls on 3rd and short lol

C-MO24-lo Mo

Our team always looks great on paper going into the season. I’m just tired of excuses year after year.


this week is gonna be a huge test for staley to show if the guy can really coach and prove its not just the talent on the team cause even with a healthy team he cant blow any team out smh

    Robert D.

    Lose this week & it’s all down hill form here , I think ? Hope I’m wrong , but , think I have seen this movie play out a few times in 48 years , now .


    @Robert D. pretty much and tbh even with all our WRs out if the offense aint putting it together and lombardi still has a job then most definitely staley is out next year which sucks but I just dont get how this team when healthy arent shutting out teams especially with staley being a “defensive” coach


Been watching this team since I was a kid and damn seems like every year injuries riddle the potential of this team. Idk if it’s the staff but something needs to change


with all the injuries we are still 4-3 which is crazy gotta give props to the team for fighting

Joey Lewis

It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish, we made it through the first half of the season above 500, with all the injuries and doubts! I honestly believe we still haven’t gotten the best out of the team, have some patience and trust Staley!


Cmon bolts lets do something here for the rest of the season!❤️❤️❤️

David Lambert

Being a fan of this team makes my will to live day to day

jonathon kue

Gonna be a rough season! No wr for Herbert to throw to. Defense playing up and down. Stanley talking smooth but not showing up on the field. Enjoy him being aggressive on 4th down but when your stars ain’t on the field, punt the damm ball!!! Gonna be a long season guys!

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