Sept. 23, 2022| Head Coach Frank Reich Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Robert Johnson

Colts needs to play Rodgers on defense cause he’s a good player and I don’t understand why Colts ain’t playing him let’s go colts

    Dominick Uchiha

    He’s a playmaker!! Wasting snaps not playing him

Duster 340

Always have injuries every year.. Good play calling protect Matt and give him time to get set and score some points don’t want to see the Luck era.. Go Colts

Hawaii-be bout it

Omg 🫡see yaw next year my heart hurts bruh

Duster 340

Play calling, amazing how we played really well in 4th against Texans and then go to nothing, just worried after being so positive after training camp

Al Bundy

Shaq needs to grow some balls and play with a little pain. If he can practice he can play.


    Dude had back surgery. He’ll be back 💯 just let him heal

    Bay Area Sports Performance and Fitness

    Agree. Ray Lewis would 🐐


Ladies and gentlemen the head clown of the Indianapolis Colts Frank Reich!

Brett Dobson

Run the damn ball and keep kc’s offense off the field

Larry Parks

Fire Frank.

C H24

I didn’t think a coach could make me tune out faster than Pagano….I was wrong.


    He’s the second coming…..turns out he’s equally as bad of a coach.

George Klipp

Hell it’s been nothing but frustration.
No improvement. I guess wewill see come week 3. Prediction another lost. I just hope we just get 1 field goal.

Kaiser Wilhelm

Reich is 5-10-1 in the month of September as the colts coach , we’re probably going to get our teeth kicked in


Same ole Frank, same ole injuries expect the same result Colts fans. It hurts me to say this but we are done and winning games at this stage actually works against what needs to happen. A complete blow up and rebuild. We are paying a lot of money to players who don’t perform or even play for that matter.


I remember 2006. The Colts got beat down in Jacksonville. The Jag ran for 400 yards. In the words of Bob Kravitz “it would have been more, but the end zone kept getting in the way”. The media, and fans were calling g for firings. Dungy kept saying the team was fine, they just needed to do what they do better. Fans wanted him fired. That team won the Super Bowl. You CANNOT evaluate a season based on 2 games, no matter how good or bad they were.


    @J Whine Last year doesn’t matter, and really neither does this year. That is an irrelevant distinction. The Jaguars are improved.

    Mike D

    Frank is not Dungy and Ryan isn’t Manning.


    @Mike D at the time people said a lot of the same things about Dungy that they say about Reich. You’re evaluating Dungy through hindsight, and Reich through the lens of present emotion.

    Mike D

    @Dan Frank wasn’t the top choice for this job. Eric Ebron was right. Andrew Luck made all these guys. And now they don’t have that and they are getting exposed.

    Drew P

    Another delusional Colts fan stuck in the past typical…

matt taylor

Every week is a good week for shaq but we are yet to see him. Would love to get a REAL update Frank


thinking about the Payton days of football, and i dont remember main guys EVER missing games due to injury. EVER. them guys played hurt all the time. and produced. I think guys should loose their position due to injury, hell it happens all the time. if theres no preasure to get back, guys will take extra time. they r getting paid win or loose. SHOW US SOME HEART COLTS!

The Weekly Podcast

If I’m a player, I’m not fired up to play for this man.

Cash_R_ K

hearing a coach who has no feel for the game talk about the feel for the game is funny 😂

Im Brad

I miss Darius, Shaq is always hurt.

Daniel Mustang

the thumbnail is perfect

Mike D

If Irsay sees this. He needs to fire Frank. Fire Ballard. call Luck and offer him whatever the hell he wants.

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