Ronnie Stanley Explains Why He Wanted to Stay in Baltimore | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dlr_goated Soccer

We gonna win this game


    Hope so i have faith in this guys

DaMarcus Brutus

Best O-Lineman

Kaden Wright

70 million guaranteed thats 1.5 million every month damn

    Slickkest Shard

    More like 2.25 a month💀

Donovan Sales Sr.

Hey Ronnie Congrats

Gera Stewart

Wait can the ravens see my comment cus I am a huge fan


Congrats Ronnie💪💪💪

Mike Hardesty

if the ravens win a super bowl with lamar, the actual building of that team would start with Ronnie Stanley, really glad we were able to keep this dude long term, if he stays mostly healthy he may very well be on his way to a HOF career.

J. R.

These zoom press conferences are awful boring.

kiyan west

hope we win but I feel like we gonna lose we dont have receivers and or o line hasn’t been good enough to give lamar time to do his thing

    Gregg Poppapill

    Nah we’ll win we got JT


Steeler nation




“I think it’s bad timing signing him to an extension now. The biggest division game of the year is in front of us, and we sign him $70 million guaranteed not even knowing if he’ll perform up to last year’s level? This year hasn’t been good to him.”

    Kamino Kush

    He a top rated tackle my guy, Ravens line already hurting without Yanda, so its a smart play next is sign mini Zeus


“I don’t like the vibe I get from him.”

Ace Squad Fillms

Congrats Big Ronnie!!!! You Deserve It💯💯


Ronnie looks like 90s rnb singer Christopher Williams in new jack city.

Raghib Ali

Get Lamar some better receivers…. how you don’t go after AB…. smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


    Didn’t wanna take a chance on him being a liability


Yo is he Samoan? He might be half black half samoan, someone confirm this for me

    R H

    Yes he is


Answer to the question in the title at 2:45



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