Recapping Lamar Jackson’s Ridiculous Regular-Season Feats | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Samuel Khanu


    David Kerns

    Samuel Khanu No doubt about it!!!



Sam Booh

I love Lamar Jackson but if he’s not gonna play in week 17 that means rglll gonna play lets gooooooooo


If only the Alabama coach did that


Time to grab some popcorn and watch RG3 next game.

king shark

NFL, 100yrs old…. started with wing t, rushing football. Took time before the forward pass was even a concept. O’ and all white players.

100yrs later, a black qb, has 1100yds rushing, 3000yds passing, and running some broken wing t., Reverse wishbone, and shotgun.

Lol… who knew…

    king shark

    @Scarface Touch … lol, riiiiiight.

    king shark

    @Eddie Business … crazy ain’t it, it just kinda hit me around week 10. We up here balling almost like they were 100yrs ago.

    Had to go look at some old film and it’s crazy.

    Jameson Helfrich

    1200* rushing yards 🙂

    Smoove Reaper

    King shark legendary comment bro

    king shark

    @Smoove Reaper 😎✌, legendary raven season. Outside the ray Lewis defense season.

Julian Shipp Jr

36 passing tds not bad for a running back 😉

    Ryan Pennington

    @hector alvarez 77 lamar missin serious games…4 qrters 1 gane

    Julian Shipp Jr

    @iElim yessir 😂😂😂

    hector alvarez 77

    Ryan Pennington cuz he cant stay healthy


    @hector alvarez 77 What do you mean? Hes been healthy all year

    Kyleel Buckner

    hector alvarez 77 didn’t mahomes play every game

Malcolm Quint

Franchise quarterback, period.

    hector alvarez 77

    next RGIII 🔥

Anthony Walker

If they win a superbowl this year his merchandise will break record sales

Troy Mathis

Ravens 9th stringers led by Ryan Mallet beat Roethlisraper and AB in 2015. Hopefully RG3 beats Duck or whoever the Steelers bum QB will be this time


    Troy Mathis Nason Rudolf hurt his shoulder so it’ll probably be Duck

    Jameson Helfrich

    Mason Rudolph is likely out for this game which means not only do they have to start Duck, but they have no option to bench him if he throws another 3 INTs or whatever. Maybe they’d just run the Wildcat for the rest of the game or something.

    Troy Mathis

    Jameson Helfrich they just signed Paxton Lynch

    Jameson Helfrich

    @Troy Mathis Wildcat plan must be on, then

] Mantis-Mike [

Not bad for a RB

Eddie Business

He sat out 5 fourth quarters and now 1 whole game. He could have easily 40! Passing Tds. 3000 plus passing yds and possibly 10 rushing tds!!! Is that a stretch????? He could of had a couple 6 passing td games easily.

Stuff With Nava

If Lamar doesn’t get MVP we riot! #BigTruss #RavenNation 💯🙏

Kaiser Sosa

Lamar Jackson is my favorite QB…. and I’m a Die Hard Raider Fan. Congrats Lamar on all your accomplishments this year!


Broke Vicks record. Broke franchise TD record. Broke NFL record for most TDs by 22 year old.. And a bunch of other records I forgot.

But the craziest part is he did it in less than a full season. He sat out the equivalent of a full game in four different 4th quarter leads where the game was already put away, and is going to sit out the last game of the season because the 1 seed is already locked down. Imagine his stats if he had actually played a full season.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lion Thomas

Harbs………😓……I’m done doubting you……😭😭😭😭😭😭…… was JOE….LOL
LET’S GO BALTIMORE RAVENS FANS, MEET ME @ DA BANK!!!!!!!!! 😎Woop woo!!!!!!!!!



why they never combine his 7 rushing td’s with his 36 passing for a total of 43??????????????????????????????

Xxxx Big Rich

He is the undisputed MVP this season and quickly becoming the face of the entire league. If allowed. 👉🏽🏆

Landon Worrell

You look under the weather, hope you feel better, happy Christmas and merry holidays.

Walter Brown

Lamar Jackson is about to collect Some 🏆 1 . AFC offensive player of the year 2. NFL’s Most Valuable Player 3. Most improved player of the year . Should the RAVEN’S WIN the Super Bowl a possible Super Bowl MVP ! The Best player in 2019 ! Sho Nuff .

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