Post Game Media Availability – Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Miami Dolphins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Lamont Goo

All Tua does is win!

    fhi lohh


    Tephlon DéArmor

    🎶win win win no matter what🎶

    Public Square

    @douglas anderson didn’t we beat the bills?


    @Public Square exactly lol.


Love Tua and big fan of his. But the dropped INTs by Steelers D saved him. Just happy to see Tua is playing and ok.

    The Laseringtrespiker

    @AO1012 aye man, the steelers weren’t a bad team and neither are the lions, no matter the opponent, we can’t count them out. we have to work hard for every win because anything can happen in this game

    Public Square

    It’s saves every qb every game

    Public Square

    @The Laseringtrespiker every team is good some are just better than otherws..every team is full of star players who are the best at what they do..its the collective that wins or loses games..people who say a team sucks doesn’t get what football is..

    Gary L Simmons

    Did you see all the drops by Tuas receivers. I would’ve changed the gave if they didn’t have butter fingers tonight. Plus we dropped some picks also but unlike them we held on to enough to make a difference.

    Bryan Gonzalez

    Yeah but it was Tua’s first game back but I expect his decision making to be better in next week and let’s go on a win streak and Phins Up

GFett Jake

4-3!! FINS UP🐬🔥🐧🐆💪🏻
Glad to see Tua back! A wins a win, but our offense needs serious work. We did nothing in the second half. Our defense won this game.

    Kirk Goss

    Saying the offense needs serious work is unreasonable tbh. Before Tua’s injury Miami had one of the highest points per game average. Entering week 7 after missing 3 games Tua had QBR of 109. Give the Steelers defense some credit in the 2nd half and acknowledge that after a serious concussion it’s Tua’s first game back. They’ll get the momentum back. #FinsUp

    fhi lohh

    @Kirk Goss Exactly. Playing Pittsburgh is always tough!!

    mixed blood

    Pittsburgh struggle is on the offensive side. Their defense has been doing great all season.

    Jonathan V

    @mixed blood pitts always had a good d but your right offense is their problem. Kenny isnt long term and no true receivers. Najee is a good rb tho for sure top 10

Jimmy James

And Tua of the leader that he is shook every one of them’s hands that he was on the field with

Jimmy James

He’s really starting to be stand up later

Michael Angelo Midnight

Even though they won he still emphasizes on the mistakes or things that need to be cleaned up he is a constant student that is never satisfied that is the spirit soul of a working winner. Tua earns his victories, his attitude is solid, he hears all the hate and judgement, he knows full well about the doubt and debate of his game, but his fortitude and they will not break me attitude is truly inspiring. I respect this dude, His career has been quite difficult,GOD BLESS TUA,GO FINS

    Adrienne Huici



Big ups to the graphics team for the intermission logos.

    J- Boy

    Old school logo and retro Pepsi agreed great look.


4-3 but more like 6-1 tbh.


    7-0, 100%

    TableFor2 Podcast


Alfredo Ordonez

Good seeing tua back

Jihyo Twice

Kenny Pickett still looked concussed. How was he cleared from concussion protocols to play this week when last week he wasn’t able to continue the game?

Tua took at least 2 weeks due to all the attention and scandal that happened.

I’d say there was a difference in complying to the “standard protocols”. The independent doctor should definitely sue the NFL for wrongful termination.

    Renold Rachman

    My thoughts exactly.

    Tomlin and Belichick may have the cred to bypass the NFL drama. Curious how each are at opposite end of the spectrum.

    Pamela Cairns

    I also want to know why if the NFL is saying they’re going to do more to protect players why weren’t the flags thrown on the clear evidence of two helmet to helmet plays? They have different standards for everyone. We have to go over and above and still get called out like we’re cheaters. But they will allow our players to be totally beaten up on and not throw a flag. Let’s not forget the spin to the ground that was obviously unnecessary roughness and no flag either. The NFL owes the Miami Dolphins a huge apology at the very least

    Garrett Grimes

    @Pamela Cairns how about the NFL giving back our draft picks AND a public apology? 😁

Carlos Guvetis

I love the fact that Coach McDaniel is willing to accept that he did make some bad play calls. That’s an easily correctible mistake.

    David Weiner

    Agreed. Especially as a rookie head coach, not defensive at all, he knows some gambles are not going to pay off and some will. He has gambled big in multiple critical plays this year (Bills, Ravens) that if the play had not worked he and/or Tua would have been criticised, but as it turns out it won games. Can’t win games in today’s NFL without taking risks, and sometimes those risks are not going to pan out. In the moment (without the benefit of hindsight), I liked going for it on 4th and 3. I hated the run play, which if I recall correctly, was the EXACT same run play that was stuffed on 3rd down. So I think his mistake was the actual play, not the decision to go for it. Of course in hindsight we all want that field goal. In that kind of game in the moment, a TD seals it. Worth the risk IMO. Just a bad 4th down play.

Jose Poblano

TUA is for real Dolphans. It’s great too see him back. Go Fins 🏈🐬💪.

Rob A

We are completely different team with Tua as quarterback

    Adrienne Huici

    The team has so much trust in him.


These press meetings are worthless when you can’t hear the question

Charles B

I think I’m going start traveling with the team so I can hold a damn mic for the reporters.

Carlos Saenz

Love the win and the awesome effort by the defense by giving the Offense many more chances to score more points. I guess Pitt adjusted to Miami’s offense. MM please take your 3 points. That was not a good call on 4th and 3. Tua was able to slide on one but the other one he went with his head first. Yikes. Tua just need to slide. Too risky specially coming from a concussion. Happy that they pulled the win and hats off the D. Lions are going to be a handful. There is definitely not an easy game in the NFL.

Evie CD

Fantastic to see this guy back last night 👍😎 hope he stays healthy for the rest of the season 😉

Eric Silberstein

Aside from winning the remaining games of the season, in order to make the playoffs and even win the division, the Jets will have to lose some games at least two more. They could win the division if the Bills lose two more. But Dolphins must win those games as it’s a tight race with three top contenders. Then there’s the Pats coming up from behind.

Any comments?

    jason lape

    We can beat the jets and patriots and because we beat the bills once already i believe we would still be 2nd in division and wild card because we beat ravens already . Lets see what happens. This defense would be better if we actually had a good pass rush and tackling is still a issue. O line os ok but could be alot better . Maybe we will hot some at tradr deadline

David Weiner

What surprised me is when Steelers started playing recievers tight at the line, we didn’t throw some deep balls. A part of it is they wanted Tua to get the ball out of his hands and I get that, but he can’t entirely lose the deep ball aspect of the game or defenses are just going to load the box, jam the receivers and have an easy day. We need to keep the deep threat that Waddle and Hill present as a legitimate threat, and the only way to do that is to take some shots down the field, even if it means he has to hold the ball for 5 seconds, and you rely on the line and/or his pocket presence to avoid some hits.


The 4th and 3 playcall was a better decision than punting on 2 4th and 1’s later in the game.

Just saying. It’s not helpful to be aggressive on that 4th and 3 instead of going up 9 if you aren’t going to apply the same aggression to even more useful situations.

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