Philip Rivers Postgame Press Conference | Colts At Jaguars – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Philip Rivers Postgame Press Conference | Colts At Jaguars

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Philip Rivers discussed his debut performance following the team's 27-20 loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars and where he and the offense will look to improve as they continue the 2020 season.

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dag gummit phil, i’ll still have faith in you.

JDW SportsTalkshow

It’s week 1. Let’s get the mistakes out of the way and learn NOW rather than later!
Ok men Week 2 at home!
Protect HOME!
One week at a time!

    Matthew Green

    Preach brother

    Darius Nelson

    I feel like our defense wont get much better than that eberflus scheme is just so soft on 3rd down.


    Colts are horrible

    JDW SportsTalkshow

    @DuskThunder9 yea? It was one man. Get outta here with that negative sh**

Jeff Cena

Shoot we’ll get em next time, dadgummit.

Carlos Castaneda

Week 1 guys. He had a good game but thos picks hurt

    alan james

    @Slim Vickins if u turn the ball over you can’t win

    Slim Vickins

    @alan james Bud, good teams find a way to win. That was a complete teams failure. Blaming Rivers is flat out mental.

    alan james

    Same result next week

    alan james

    @Slim Vickins okay

    alan james

    @L G R W speaking facts

Kronic Impulse

Trade for Ertz and run the damn ball

    L G R W

    Kronic Impulse why do you need Ertz you hype up Doyle

    Kronic Impulse

    L G R W Who says the Colts need Ertz I’m the one that wants him Doyle’s nice but who wouldn’t want a top 3 TE

Conspiracy Theory

“Run the Damn Ball”

    Adam W

    Remember those little shuttle passes to Sproles back in the day Rivers should of had some of those plays from Norv Turner in that playbook



Randal Smith


Darius Nelson

Jonathan Taylor looks legit I’m taking that positive dag gummit

    Adam W

    To Rivers the tall black guy who caught the ball in the first half looked like freakin Antonio Gates why the hell wasnt dude gives more targets

    max lank

    He was our best player on offense

    Adam W

    @max lank who is he?

    max lank

    @Adam W Jonathan Taylor what you mean

BeCareFul EyeknowWhoEyeAm

I don’t feel confident in Phillip rivers at all after this interview. 😅

    Midnight Liberal

    That’s because your brain is functioning properly. Flustered Philip will always choke. I say this as a 13 year Chargers fan.

    A. Red

    Philip always seems to throw an interception at the most crucial moments in games. I still scratch my head at this signing

Uknow trudo

San Diego here rooting for Colts!


Jacoby should be the QB he is missing valuable development sitting behind Rivers Phone Booth body and horrible delivery. This is a smash mouth team you need a QB to move and protect the ball. Rivers best ball was left on the west coast. Jacoby fits better can extend plays and get Ws

    alan james

    @majinblack27 I’m glad some one is on the same page as me they all want to trash Jacoby. But he actually not elite but good enough to beat the jags

    alan james

    @majinblack27 colts downgraded to Phillip this off season he not coming back after that game


    alan james Definitely I know last season the games were not pretty. If Jacoby can learn to use the backs in the pass game like Rivers did very well I add the Colts win the Division easily.


    alan james Is also like to add Jacoby looks like Brady who used to play the same conservative way.


    alan james That’s just the way he plays when you blitz successfully he will throw a INT. He is definitely a downgrade he can still sling it tho I was surprised tbh.

Briar Gage17

Hey it’s just Week 1. Everyone is getting on the same page. I look forward to the bounce back next week, just do NOT lose yourselves because of one loss

    Midnight Liberal

    If you were a Chargers fan for the past 10 years, you would be disabused of that notion.

    Briar Gage17

    @Midnight Liberal Unfortunately I’ve been a Chargers fan for 12 years and I still feel this way 😂 I’m not giving up hope.

    alan james

    Really against the Vikings he might throw 5 pick

    Sahith Reddy

    @alan james I’m praying to God that he doesn’t

Trey Ziessler

Phillip this is only the first game man you got time buddy.


    TIME is not on Phillips side. High School football is calling you Phil.

    alan james

    This only his 200th game don’t u think he know better by now

    Max Fulk

    @alan james yeah, its his 1st game with all new teammates against a defense they have literally 0 tape on, not just from no preseason but its a whole new team.

Morgan Nield

Decent game with a few costly errors. We go again


    broken record from 2019. wish we could find some positives, but nah…… mack leaves and no run game. colts are ALWAYS an injury disaster. The game is a wrecking ball to Mack, played in a small conference…didn’t have to get pounded like B1G or SEC…did not come with the durable goods. Taylor should be different. Dude can take a pounding. Vikings are going to bring their own special brand of nasty from a defensive perspective. Let’s see what Taylor can or can’t do. He was stuffed on multiple occasions with a really good o-line, kind of scary. He’s got to have the vision in NFL speed terms. If doesn’t he’s doomed. LIke him out of the backfield tho. Gotta have Emmitt eyes or it’s no-go.


Charger fans feel for you guys, but BETTER YOU THAN US!!! AHAHAHAAAA!!!!! Course we have Tyrod Taylor now wtf am I laughing about again??

    Puneet Sandhu

    Taylor won the game. Didnt fumble the ball or throw a pick 6. Ill take that over rivers 500 yard games with 4 picks and Ls.

    C A L E B

    Puneet Sandhu still almost cost us the game with all the overthrown balls and stupid runs

    Tri Dent

    Puneet Sandhu bengals kicker won them game

    Midnight Liberal

    @Tri Dent Nah, if Burrow had done a better job, they wouldn’t have needed to rely on a field goal to TIE THE GAME!!!

    alan james

    @Puneet Sandhu colts fans need to read your post if u don’t turn the ball over your chances of winning are very high

Matthew Thomas-erwin

Philip is very good you guys need to relax . It’s just 1 game Philip put that last ball on TY and he dropped it 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Midnight Liberal

    @Tri Dent Yep, and it didn’t stop him from throwing 3 interceptions.


    @Tri Dent true, but o-line didnt play good. they will get better. they havent even had a traditional training camp , OTA’s and a ton of other physical practice….but neither had JAX….so yea, got our butts stomped by the 32nd best team in the league,,nothing to be proud of. Henderson just laid us to waste. Minchew took our D to the cleaners and we were also out-coached ,,,, it was like watching your worse nightmare unfolding against a downright depleted, awful team and having to take the 1000 cuts for that 4th quarter disaster.

    Peyton Love

    “It’s just 1 game” y’all act like he’s a rookie.. sure chemistry will grow but he’s not getting much better. what you see is what you get for the most part. he wasn’t even seeing jags players just lofting balls in the air

    Midnight Liberal

    @Peyton Love And throwing into double coverage most certainly didn’t help.


    Yup ty dropped 2 balls wtf ty

Jas Cam

President Teddy Roosevelt
April 23, 1910
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    Midnight Liberal

    That sums up Philip’s career.

Xander Roberts

Good game, but Rivers needs to hang it up

Torrie Dunn

They let Minshew go 19-20, their defense gotta step up!


Give Colts and Rivers a break. They looked overall excellent. Honestly, first game, division game, away game, no offseason preparations, little time to prepare (especially time taken away for covid preparation), lack of crowd vibes, and a new QB. Due to these factors, today could have been any ones game. Jacksonville played well but will not likely keep up this momentum throughout the season. Colts will be playing Jacksonville very soon again; but it will be a home game next time with a lot of more practice games under their belt.

If anything, I thought the defense could have stepped up a little more; especially when those interceptions occurred. Defense need to have their QB/offenses back more often. Colts offense field time and yards today kept their defense on the bench and rested.

In the end, I thought the Colts played good football today. For once I am actually confident to say, once the Colts work out the kinks; I can totally see this team winning their division with a possible shot at the Super Bowl.


    Damage control all you want but the jags starters are 1/3 rookies and 2/3 of their team is different from last year. Jags were heavy underdogs for a reason, and rivers has an amazing record vs jags. No reason to lose this game.

    BeCareFul EyeknowWhoEyeAm

    You sound silly.

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