Perry Fewell talks about the past month as Carolina’s interim head coach – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
James Woodley

After this terrible lost and you applied for a head coach position… you know where I’m going with this right

    Cam Bkuttin

    Yeap he the hometime guy coaching the team. Why not let him pick his own staff and not a staff and players that gave up on him and ready for the off season . He was playing with the cards he was left with towards the end of the season smh ..

Jordan Jordan

Yes they have not been playing well for awhile but give them a break dang they have alot going on i can guarantee the whole team hates how it has gone latley they cant change how this season went but they can and will work harder in the off season you cant blame one person for everything they need to be supported not bashed 24/7 🖤💙🖤💙🖤

J Barringer

I swear if he’s the head coach next season I’m done with this team.

    Cam Bkuttin

    I swear if you think he was the problem maybe you should look at the whole roster . He cant go out there and play for the guys … They the ones on the field letting people rack up points ..

    Kevin Lawrence

    Season was toast after the bye week. Long before Perry became “interim”

Kyle Phelps

This guy is not a long term head coach. A head coach has to be a leader of men!! I dont see that in him.

    Cam Bkuttin

    This not his team or staff . He working with was placed in his hand . This team quit on him …

    Kyle Phelps

    @Cam Bkuttin Exactly cause he is not a fucking leader or head coach, he was the secondary coach, we have a bottom 5 secondary……common sense would tell you he shouldnt be a head coach, thats why they quit on him…..cause he is clueless!!!!!!! If he was a real leader the team would follow!!!!


    I think Tepper wanted to tank the season to get better draft. No team can be as talented as this team and stink up the place this bad. This is why Olsen made his comment about the organization.


Hopefully this is his last time representing us on any platform. Seems like he never gave a £#@% anyway. I always get bad vibes from this guy 🤔♐.

    Cam Bkuttin

    Yeap he wanna lose . He is the hometime kid . He did growup here in North Carolina . Maybe it never was his dream to coach his hometown professional football team down the road from where he grew up. Why was he emotionally towards the end of the video ? Smh the only bad vibes is you never gave him a chance.. He was playing with the cards he was dealt towards the end of the season . This is not his staff he picked ..

Rex Smith

Keep Cam, build the Oline (draft and FA), pick up a DT (draft) to stop the run, hire a decent coach, we can be back.

    Cam Bkuttin


Avery Forrest Braun

even the camera man is playing bad in the first half

John Bruckner

What a poor coaching decision to take Kuchley off the field when your 30 points behind!

    Jordan Jordan

    Why risk him getting seriously hurt at the end of the season when its not needed


    I think losing was the strategy here.

    Cam Bkuttin

    @Neake22 now that’s a fact for you ….

    Cam Bkuttin

    @John Bruckner this team is in rebuild mode . Maybe you forgot why ron got fired . This team is horrible. It’s not fewell fault . He dealing with the cards he was dealt smh..

    Cam Bkuttin

    @John Bruckner yeah you right we need the strongest people out there and that’s why we been on a losing streak … Smh … This team was already horrible before he took over . Maybe you forgot why Ron Rivera got fired smh .. Blame the hometime coach fewell that grewup here in North Carolina I’m sure he wanna lose smh .. That’s why he was emotionally towards the end of the video … smh


To be fair of Perry as a head coach candidate, this wasn’t his staff, personnel or systems. He tried to work with what was placed in his lap.

    Cam Bkuttin


    Cam Bkuttin

    @Kyle Phelps This not his staff . We have a bad secondary because we never wanna spend money on it or really invest into it to make it better we always trying patch it together like our o -line and what has that gotten us smh ..


    @Kyle Phelps ah here you go with his character insults. I’m not saying I back him 100%, but just because the TEAM didn’t win during his tenure doesn’t mean he’s not a leader! The athletes on the field we’re already checked out. Obviously if a head coach gets FIRED in the season that means the TEAM had failure as a whole. So what more could the interim do? When’s the last time an interim coach “lead” his team to a winning record, playoffs or Superbowl?

    Kyle Phelps

    @Neake22 hey dumbass, no one said anything about a winning record. The team is not following his leadership! He was the secondary coach of a bottom 5 secondary, that ought to tell yiu sonething. …. Sorry your too fucking stupid to inderstand that!!

    Kyle Phelps

    @Cam Bkuttin blah blah blah

Tim S

They fell off the cliff after Ron’s firing! New start!

car wilks

I think the problem with us is focusing on a players awards… Time to focus on team awards


I hope they give him a chance.. Not everyone can coach a team… That gave up…🤷

swxss mxsta

Am I the only one that feels like we lost worse after ron got fired?

    Cam Bkuttin

    Team gave up. What’s to play for they out of the playoffs..

Thin White Duke

perry got thrown under the bus. he had no chance.

    Cam Bkuttin


matthew sanchez

I know some people might think we need to drop people from the offensive line but we need your people from the defensive and secondary and these are my mock draft picks I’m hoping they draft Grant delpit ,Isaiah Simmons maybe from offensive weapons like Henry rugg’s or maybe get Justin fields or Herbert

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