Perry Fewell Live Press Conference – 12/12 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jordan Jordan

Always will be a huge Carolina fan 😄

    Finley Jeanbatiste

    Same here my dude carolina for life

Christian Coffield

Let’s get this Win Sunday PanthersNation!

    Finley Jeanbatiste

    I hope so too man if were able to keep up with them like we did against the saints then we should be good but our main problem is their defense they will cause allen some problems

    Christian Coffield

    @Finley Jeanbatiste agree we have to stop the run and run the ball and get off the field on 3rd down

    Finley Jeanbatiste

    @Christian Coffield yeah and Allen got to protect the ball more and make better plays like i don’t hate Allen its just that its his first year as a rookie lots of rookie QBs struggle against the division and thats why we should not trade cam because he can mentor allen to become a key player

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