Patriots Deutschland – Die Woche! Vor den Vikings – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Patriots Deutschland – Die Woche! Vor den Vikings

In Folge neun von Patriots Deutschland – Die Woche schauen wir in auf die Feierlichkeiten nach dem Heimsieg gegen die Jets und widmen uns dem Spiel am Donnerstag bei den Minnesota Vikings.

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Carlos zelada

Schön, dass man in Deutschland auch den Patrioten folgt

Abeezy Sports™️🦃


Marcel D

If the offense plays the way they played we will lose against Minnesota.


    Offense played good outside the 20 yard line we just need to finish these drives man fields ain’t ganna cut it but we definitely took a step forward with the offense we just can’t take any steps back and the defense can’t slouch defense needs to play like the best defense in patriots history for this season to turn out alright I got high hopes you should too

    Marcel D

    @LilPineplays Defense can’t do all the work you gotta be balance. The offensive play calling is horrible, we always backing up from these penalties. Eventually you need to score points. A win is a win don’t get me wrong but against the Vikings and the rest of the remaining schedule just relying on the defense and not even scoring a touchdown and just field goals won’t win you games. Should’ve gotten a real offensive coordinator, that’s why Mac regressed so much compared to last season, us losing Josh McDaniels really hurt him growing in his second year.

    Dee Luccket2

    @Marcel D agreed on the Mac Scenario 💯 & The Vikings Game will b tough if we can’t Score Pats need to put up 17+

    Marcel D

    @Dee Luccket2 exactly man


Yo this ain’t nazi Germany


    Typical Boston education

    AntsDeathmatch Inc.

    @icydaddy and where did you get “educated” from?

    Eric Scott

    American moment American moment

    Francesco bagnaia 63

    American moment grow up dude the world isn’t just America

Scottie Landon AKA Lucky

U kno I’m watching this one definitely on Thanksgiving that’s a fact Let’s Keep The Wins Piling Up

Eric Scott

Wait…what?! Germans not only watch American Football, but root for the Patriots?!! Ein liken Deutscheland!!

Jarrod Robinson

Let’s dominate little hard and win


Thanksgiving Spiel wird geschaut! Lets gooo!

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