Patrick’s Finest Mahoment! Damien Tight-Ropes for the TD | Super Bowl LIV – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nathan Arora

Should have been out


    hello nathan. btw super bowl 2020 is boring

    Robert Scott

    They didn’t have enough to overturn the call

    Nathan Arora

    True jod

    Aidasee Music

    @JODisHere Yes!!! And it’s been 50 years since the chiefs one a super bowl. can’t wait another 50 years so they can win again. 😂

    Aidasee Music


Jason Schwartz

This game is Richard Sherman’s fault. Mans needs to retire

    LA Lakers

    @Think Before You React he shouldnt get the chance they need to get a real qb not this loser


    Mr Meaty go cry to mommy some more Mentorl

To Pi

Richard Sherman coverage cost the game….. Revis gonna light him up on

    To Pi

    JODisHere because you loss…..lmfao loser..

    Mr. E

    dont know why jimmy g just decides to do passes on the final minutes down 3. 2 was blocked attemps to throw hail mary, then this dude just basically gave the ball to the chiefs not going to talk about that. Coulda rushed and went to overtime hella pissed

    Luqman Henderson

    Facts 💯

Lil Berrr

I’m crying myself to sleep tonight gg chiefs

    Nuggetnest SportsYT

    Bro me to


    hello berrr. btw super bowl 2020 is boring


    @max berkey Ya’ll should not blew a 2 score lead LMao.

    The adventurous Guinea pig

    Lil Berrr bad call

Larry McCormick

Revis is gonna light Sherman up on Twitter lol


    hello larry. btw super bowl 2020 is boring

    J F

    REVIS doesn’t have a SB ring

    Aaron D

    @J F incorrect

    Andrew Colvin

    @J F ? Patriots Seahawks 2015?

H-Town Lifer

his foot is out of bounds on the thumbnail

    Marshalisepic lll

    @Galactic more of his feet were out than the ball passed the line

    Emma Kuhn

    After the ball is on the goal line yes

    Neon Nihilist

    @Patrick Fie yeah that’s true, it just feels cheap this way. But I agree they probably would’ve scored anyway


    @Neon Nihilist Even if they kicked a field goal, the Chiefs were locking down the 49ers offense. They got the ball in Jimmy G’s hands and we see how that was working out. The outcome would have been the same… Chiefs win.

Penguin Person

This must hurt for the 49ers, especially after choking a 20-10 lead.


    try having $5,000 on it and watching absolutely not one single break (even delay that would have helped which should have been called) going right all night…including this bullshit TD call.

    Harley Baker

    ATL 28 NE 3
    That probably hurt the most


    @teller121 not smart brah. Betting that much on sport games.

    Juice 423

    The 49ers biggest mistake was celebrating too damn early With 5 minutes left

    John Rodriguez

    Penguin Person also when MAHOMES was dancing then kneeled.

Skip Mendler

That call will be causing barroom fights twenty years from now


    @Lv supervisor Power1 I feel you…….so what’s the weather like in San Fran Today? Its a beautiful 60 degree is philadelphia😂


    Lv supervisor Power 1 you sound lik u tryna change the rules cause you salty🤷🏽‍♂️


    @iFinishYew-Youtube 💯%

    Lv supervisor Power1

    @iFinishYew-Youtube Hahaha im actually more of a Rams Fan, even though they suck, i only live in LA and LV.


    At 0:48 part of his shoe is out of bound

Chad Allen

Is it just me or was Sherman guarding 2 players? 🤔 lol GG KC

    The adventurous Guinea pig

    Sherman was guarding Travis kelcey

    Chad Allen

    @The adventurous Guinea pig he almost stopped him too! Not really sure if it should’ve been a TD


That was my favorite MOUHGMANT

Edward Clark

He was out!

    Arya Farija

    He’s in before his foot lands

    Bernard Johnson

    @John Rodriguez no IDIOT his foot was out way before the ball even stretched across the line you need glasses

    Andrew Colvin

    @Blue Saddle they probably would get it but that’s way too risky in a Superbowl. They would have kicked. Even with Reid being ultra aggressive I can’t imagine them going for it.

    Solomon Hayes

    Andrew Colvin literally what I’ve been saying all day. I wanted the chiefs to win, but damn that play changed the game entirely. I don’t think they would’ve gone for it on 4th..

    bacon forprez

    John Rodriguez he was out

Fast Pony

Damien Williams back at Hard Rock where he used to play with the Fins, and had himself a game. Congrats, dude!

Synthia Pyre

I don’t even watch ball like that and I can tell that ain’t a damn touchdown! Ray Charles could see that wasn’t a touchdown!😂

    MilornJabri Cordova

    Stevie Wonder could see that wasn’t a touchdown smh 😂

Jason bunny lxrd

I was going for chiefs and I like reviewing plays and that was not a td

    Jason bunny lxrd

    On god I’m not


    @Jason bunny lxrd Yeah, I swear his foot hit the line before it broke the plane of the endzone.

    Bernard Johnson

    @Isaac Lara bro I’m a Steelers fan and can still tell you this is bullshit……he was out before the ball stretched across

    denita brooks

    Thank for being HONEST CHIEFS FAN!!!! That was not a td


    But it was called a TD on the field. Whether his foot went out of bounds just before the nose of the ball crosses the plan or simultaneously isn’t clear from the replays so the call stands. Pretty simple.

Fluffy Knight

Lots of people ordering wahburgers and some french cries in the comments right now.

Kenneth Holder

The play was reviewed, refs have angles in the review booths that they don’t always show on tv.
The rule is, any part of the football needs to break the plane of the endzone inside the pylon.
In this case did the tip of the football break the plane before his foot landed on the line?

What’s deceiving is that fans are looking for where his foot is at after the tip of the football could have already broke the plane. The touchdown doesn’t happen when he swipes the ball behind the pylon, it happens as soon as the tip of the football breaks the plane.

So I can guarantee the video we’re watching isn’t going to provide us with that information, because the camera angles shown don’t provide enough info to determine it.
Now if someone can show footage from multiple angles not shown on tv, then maybe this can be put to rest as for if it was a bad TD call or a Legit TD. Until then, it’s useless to argue about it.

I’m a Chiefs fan, and that matters to me. I want my Chiefs to have earned every bit of it, and not benefit from bad calls or no calls.

    J L

    Kenneth Holder, wow beautifully put, Sir. Thank you. ❤️


Am i the only one who thought this wasnt a touchdown? I thought it was going to get reversed. This changed the whole outcome of the game imo

    Ron Masetry

    You were right it wasn’t a touchdown and I bet on the chiefs to win so I felt like we cheated the 49ers !

    Sean Cohen

    It was a td

    Ron Masetry

    @Sean Cohen it was a td = third down! Not a touchdown!

Humble Rumble

Lmaooo Richard Sherman faceplanting is the funniest thing

Dr Ydsy

You know he was out and I’m not even a Niners fan


Twitter account @NFLOfficiating tweeted ‘there was “no clear and obvious visual” evidence to overturn the ruling on the field of a touchdown’.
They did not state e.g. ‘Chiefs #26 D. Williams obviously pushed the ball and broke the plane of the goal line before he stepped on the side line’.
They just said ruling could not been reversed.
I think if the officials on the field had ruled that play had not been touchdown, the judgement would not have been overturned by video review probably…

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