Patrick Mahomes but Make him a 99 Overall in Highschool – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

NFL posting bro already they gonna fit him for a gold jacket at the combine

    Delusional Haters

    Nobody cares kid

    ryan j

    @Delusional Haters chill bro

buh dubber

Two different throwing stats one for each arm




Baseball may grab him before he can get a chance to go to the nfl

Eliezer Enriquez

Imagine being him. Truly makes you wonder what someone like that can accomplish.


Hmmm to be honest I dont think its a advantage because its like what do you need to other arm for? you only need to throw with one. The only time it MIGHT be helpful is if the other one is hurt but besides that I dont think so.


    @Chris White I mean it could help but why go after a person not for how good they are at throwing the ball but because they can throw the ball fine with both. its just a luxury that you dont need. its like adding gold flakes to a steak.

    Falcons/Hawks/Braves Fan Extraordinaire

    it might be effective on a video game but in real life not so much as far as being an advantage. It’s more to playing quarterback than being able to throw with either arm imo. I don’t see an advantage 🤷‍♂️


    @Falcons/Hawks/Braves Fan Extraordinaire ikr thats what i am saying

    Robert Lau

    @TDR 0484 and he will never have to throw back across his body, just switch hands.

    TDR 0484

    @Robert Lau facts

VitaminDevil- G

It’s beneficial throwing on the move, or even bootlegs in both directions. Play action plays will be a nightmare for defenses to figure out



josh ward

Someone tell him there’s only one ball to throw while you’re actually playing lolol


Ambidextrous quarter back? Other teams coach goes “Sweep The Leg, No mercy”

Mitchell Vang

He’ll make a good QB, when NFL start playing with 2 football



NC Hawks Fan

I think his time would be better spent putting those throwing reps on one arm.

G&R Football

This guy is going to be a legend

Sergio Sanchez

It’s a weird flex… Saw some highlights reels on his channel, good touch, maybe more strength and release velocity could help him more.

Didn’t find a play where he switched hands mid play when under pressure (maybe one of the most useful parts of being ambidextrous) neither a play designed for him to receive the ball different or has a receiver change something to take advantage.

Not sure also on how an ambidextrous QB should change hands and stance in the middle of a play, looks like a way to fumble the ball more easily (that’s is why I watched some of his videos).

So yeah, better start focus on the right arm.


    The most useful part of being ambidextrous is the ability to roll out right our left without having to throw across his body. So the ability to throw on the run is way easier.


i can throw both arms but not like that lol, dudes killin it

Janoushhh B

Is this an out-of-season April fools joke?

Anthony Bostic

I always wondered if anyone would be able to do this, a whole new style of play can be created from this.

Paul Wilson

Looks good BUT many a high school star washes out in college and many a college star washes out in the pros. He’s got a LONG way to go to be the next big thing in the NFL!

Aaron K

I was born a lefty but forced to use right hand preschool – 1st grade. Now as an adult, I bowl better with my left. can throw a football left or right handed, though admittedly my left is a little weaker because I don’t always use it. I’m left had dominant while catching or performing several other tasks, but right hand dominant while writing. I play billiards both lefty and righty.

Marvin Schmid

Impressive! His right looks slighty more accurate than his left though


Hope Oklahoma State gets that dude

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