Panthers Top Plays from Week 14 vs. Falcons | Carolina Panthers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


patrick kelliher

Literally stop posting there is nothing to be happy about as long as Matt rule is coach

Cee Breezy TV

Most be a short lol 😆

Shaad Kraft

Bro no way y’all doing top plays when we playing how we playing man.

Ramen Man

Man…this sucks….


Fire Rhule.

Mr. Stoney Loney

if cam wouldn’t of dropped that ball we probably would of won this game!!! Idk what is it with cam newton but does he even love football anymore because he sure as heck doesn’t look like it

    Alex Christopher

    Well we didn’t win and stop with the excuses we lost that’s the end of the story

MDCS Racing Network

No Cam Int and fumble = Win

Seth Walker

Fire that damn coach

Donald Duck

At this point screw it lose the last 4 games so we can move up in the draft, fire rhule, draft a rookie qb I like Sam Howell from unc, get some O line in FA, at this point I lost a lot of money on bets with this team 😤

    Phillip Shadid

    QBs in this draft are not looking great. idk, just me.

    Donald Duck

    @Phillip Shadid then who? Archie Manning? A 3rd generation QB? The lad is still in high school. Why not groom Sam Howell until Archie goes in the draft in a couple of years like 6 I believe

Dawnette Clarke

When did cam come on board he is not a miracle worker but he sure can play give him a break

Jai Norman

I’m sure we will bounce back next week

    David Barber



    Just like security in a Defund the Police neighbour, I expect little hope

    b0w 8176 Y

    😂😂😂😂, oh wait your serious


Blame it on the OL not the skill players.


Panthers are a bloody joke thanks to Rhule and Tepper


Newton is so inaccurate. Sure he can still run, but to be an effective NFL qb you have to hit those mid-range passes accurately. Poor man’s Taysom Hill at this point

Patrice Samuel

Please Stop Talking Bad CAM He Is Only One Person

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