Packers Gain A Pair Of Rookie Cornerbacks | Packers Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
DES McCree


DES McCree

I feel like this defense finna be sum strong

    Mark Heddle


Gav Games

Hi gab your my fav team


can we maybe send the host a mic?


if Slaton can get into shape and stay on the field he could be the answer to their line weakness

    Reggie Pierre

    He already lost 30 pounds


I just SAW Aaron Rodgers on Pearl Street – in Boulder – with a “special” someone, that’s just up the Road from DENVER. Fyi 😉


    Yep sure u did

Coby Cuzzocrea

Let the Pre Season Begin

Packersfan 12

Can we please have a top 3 total defense and scoring defense.


    yeah thats what i wanted last year

James Westen

From a life long Green Bay Packer fan, I’m grateful for Everyone in the Packers organization, and I ALWAYS know every season they will have an Excellent football team !

Dustin Snider

I’d love to see them take over for king on the edges. King is a big body fast..but not fast enough on the outsides. I’d love to see him shadow the tight ends that torch us alot he could be like a rover or our cover LB

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